Rich Girl Schemes

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"Brady, get upstairs!" a panicky voice yelled at him.

Brady stood still in his tracks and stared, shocked, at the scene that just unfolded in front of him. He didn't understand anything, he couldn't possibly understand anything, he was only eight years old after all, but he saw something that any other eight year old wouldn't ever even dream about witnessing and all he could do is stand frozen in his spot and replay that scene over and over again in his head.

"Brady!" his name was yelled out again but he couldn't move his feet. He was stuck in his spot, all he could feel was the erratic beat of his heart.

"Brady! Brady!" this time the voice sounded much nearer and louder so loud that he couldn't help but move away from where he stood.

"Brady, get up!" Brady shot open his eyes and the horrid scene evaporated and instead he looked up at a pair of warm brown eyes.

"Honey are you alright?" the concerned voice asked.

Brady took in a breath and took a moment to take in his surroundings. He sat up and looked around the more familiar and friendly living room. The sun shone through the opened curtains making him squint his eyes.

Brady let out a breath and ran a hand over his face. For a moment he thought he was taken back to that time, the dream - or rather nightmare - seemed so real that he thought he was reliving that scene all over again.

"Got in late last night?" Brady's thoughts were interrupted by the familiar voice that brought him out of his nightmare.

Brady glanced at the woman with an apron around her waist. If any other person questioned him he wouldn't have bothered to answer, Brady hated being asked about his whereabouts and anyone prying into his life but this woman was different. She was the only parent figure in his life and he respected her more than anyone else.

The woman - whom he referred to as Aunt Ellie - was patiently waiting for his reply. Ellie was a woman in her early sixties, with short, curly brown hair with a few gray streaks visible here and there.

"Yeah." Brady answered nonchalantly.

"Where were you?" Ellie asked.

"Out." He said flatly as he stood up.

"And where exactly would this out place be?" Ellie asked just as Brady walked pass her.

Brady stopped walking and looked at her over his shoulder. "Can you hold back your interrogation for five minutes while I go freshen up?"

Ellie pursed her lips and looked sternly at him; she opened her mouth and closed it again before she sighed. "Alright, go freshen up and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast."

Brady nodded and carried on towards the bathroom. He knew that his aunt only let him get his way because she woke him up from a nightmare and she was concerned, otherwise she wouldn't have let him get away so easily.

Brady would rather have the interrogation than have his aunt look at him with pity because he had a nightmare. As he walked to the bathroom he dreaded having to answer his aunt's questions about why he was getting nightmares again.

"Coffee?" Ellie asked Brady as he sat at the kitchen island after his quick trip to the bathroom.

"Yeah." Brady answered as he ran his hands through his unkempt hair. "I hope it's strong."

"It's not stronger or milder than normal." Ellie said as she poured the coffee into a mug. "You know how I feel about too much caffeine."

Brady rolled his eyes at his aunt and her paranoid ways about healthy eating before sipping on the much needed coffee.

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