Brady in Trouble

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Amelia was at a loss for words as she went deeper into the file, she pulled out more pages and her mind was processing all the information as she read.

"Lia!" A voice called from the hallway.

She jolted from surprise and immediately shoved all the documents into the file and placed it back into the safe, she didn't want anyone to know what she found, not yet at least.

She shut the safe and placed the books back so her father wouldn't know she was looking through his secret safe. She was on her way to her dads desk but stopped when Hugh entered the study.

"Hugh." She breathed.

"Hey." He drawled and frowned slightly looking at her flabbergasted expression. "Are you alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you look as if you just seen a ghost or something." He said.

"Nope, I was just looking for something for college stuff and I didn't expect you here at this time of day." She said.

His furrowed brows straightened out and was replaced with a wide grin as he stepped closer to her.

He grabbed her into a big bear hug and spun her around.

"Whoa what is this about?" She giggled.

He put her down and his smile widened. "A little birdie told me that a certain blonde best friend of mine has gotten into Dartmouth."

"That birdie will be my mom." Amelia said.

"It doesn't matter, I am so so proud of you Lia!" Hugh exclaimed.

"I see news travels fast at the office." Amelia remarked.

Hugh's smile dropped and he examined her features. "What's the matter? You don't look as happy as I thought you would."

"I am, really. I've dreamt of an Ivy League for a very long time and now it's finally happening." She attempted the most convincing smile she could muster.

"Yeah but you don't look so happy." Hugh told her.

Amelia sighed. "It's just been a long week... heck it's been a long year since high school ended."

"Hey," he began as he held her shoulders. "Life sucks and shit happens but I believe everything happens for the best no matter how painful it may seem at the moment."

She half grinned. "I know."

"Now enough of this, we have to go out and celebrate. I've already called Hillary and we're heading out, it's not everyday my father allows me to leave work early." Hugh said.

"I'm not so sure I can right now Hugh, I have some stuff to send back to the school-" Amelia began but Hugh cut her off.

"You can do that tomorrow, for now we're heading out to really celebrate."

"Alright." She gave in. "I'll just go get ready."

"Good girl." Hugh smiled. "I'll wait for you in the foyer."

Amelia left the study and headed to her bedroom, she searched her closet for a dress and quickly got dressed. As she applied makeup and fixed her hair her mind idly wondered to what she found in her fathers safe.

'I mean I had to have seen wrong right? Why would my dad have that with him? It just doesn't make sense. If Hugh didn't interrupt I could've gotten more information and seen what was in the other files, but it's alright, I'll do that another time when dad isn't around. I need to get to the bottom of this, confronting dad right now wouldn't be smart, not until I know for sure what else is in those other files.'

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