Bad Boys Need Advice Too

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"Brady," Lily began as she lowered her textbook and looked at her brother who was laying on his back on the opposite couch from hers, "Do you think your cell will grow legs and walk away if you take your eyes off it?"

Brady gave her a look. "Shouldn't you be studying instead of looking at me?"

"Yeah I should but looking at you look at that phone that way is far more entertaining." Lily giggled.

"Just shut up and study." Brady said sourly.

"Are you expecting someone to call?" Lily couldn't help but ask.

Truth was, a few days had passed since Brady got Amelia's number and ever since he got it, it was bothering him more every day. He knew he said he'd call her sometime but he just didn't know how to or what to even say if he did. It wasn't in his nature to call someone for the mere sake of chatting; he always got to the point if he needed to call or text someone.

"No." he said.

"You could've fooled me." Lily remarked. "Because you look like an anxious girl waiting for her crush to call her."

"You know an awful lot about that don't you." Brady retorted. "Do I even want to know how?"

"Probably not." Lily teased.

"Wait you're serious?" Brady asked this time seriously. "Whose calls do you wait for Lily?"

Lily laughed. "Relax. I'm just messing with you."

Brady rolled his eyes. "I don't find you amusing."

"Yes you do." Lily said. "You wouldn't be around me if you didn't."

"Well you know what they say, family's by force." Brady commented with a sarcastic grin.

"I love you too brother bear." Lily smiled sweetly back.

"Study or I'm leaving, you're annoying." Brady said bitterly.

"Aw and I thought we were having a sibling moment." Lily said with a playful pout.

"Lily I'm serious, you're annoying the fuck out of me."

"But I did absolutely nothing." Lily said innocently.

"You're talking, that's a lot on its own." Brady said irritably.

"But you never get annoyed when I talk to you." Lily said casually. "Which means you are anxious about something." She raised a brow.

"I'm not!" Brady snapped.

In return Lily laughed. "I never thought I'd see the day my big brother act so much like a teenage girl."

"What the fuck are you on about?" Brady asked sitting up straight. "I'm perfectly normal."

"I know you better than anyone else and I can tell that you're not normal." Lily stated.

Brady sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Where's aunt Ellie?" he asked changing the subject.

Lily shrugged in response.

"It's Sunday and aunt Ellie is always home on Sunday's, it's odd for her to not be here." Brady said more to himself.

"Maybe she's at church." Lily said. "She started going for service again."

"Church." Brady muttered bitterly under his breath.

"Don't hate. Everyone has a right to follow whichever religious path they choose." Lily said.

"I'm not hating just giving my opinion which is I don't have time for that in my life and even if I did I wouldn't waste it on that." Brady said.

Lily looked at her brother nonchalantly, knowing that her brother's playful mood was now gone. She always knew Brady never really believed in church or anything to do with religion, he was an atheist and he claimed to be one for good reason, he believed that if there really was a higher source then there'd be no pain in this cruel world.

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