The Bad Boys Warning

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Switching his truck engine off Brady stepped out of the vehicle and into the garage. He walked through the workshop to the office section.

"I thought you were done for the day." Cassidy lazily said as she sat with her feet up on the desk.

Brady ignored her words and instead rudely demanded. "Move away!"

"Excuse me?" Cassidy raised a brow.

"I don't have time to fill out a fucking form, get out of my way!"

"You need to learn to speak like a civilized human being." Cassidy stated.

Brady took in a breath. "I am not in the mood Cassidy, move or I won't think twice before moving you away from that seat myself."

Cassidy looked at him bitterly before she removed her feet off the table and moved out of her seat.

Brady brushed pass her and sat down on the office chair in front of the computer and began searching for cars that came in over the last month.

"What are you looking for?" Cassidy asked, watching him curiously.

Brady didn't answer but searched for Stan's name, if he found the invoice for the Mercedes Stan brought in not too long ago, then Brady would be able to get Stan's work address and then he'll be able to pay Amelia a visit.

"Okay then, just pretend I'm invisible." Cassidy mumbled. "Although if you're up to something, Jarred won't be too happy about it."

Brady paused what he was doing and glowered at her. In response she raised her hands defensively. "Just saying."

"I'm up to nothing." Brady stated coldly.

The page loaded and Stan's invoice appeared, he scanned through the details until he found what he wanted. He memorized the address before closing the file and standing up.

"What were you looking for?" Cassidy asked as Brady walked pass her.

Brady didn't see the need to answer her, this was personal and had nothing to do with the garage so he did what he does best, completely ignored her.

"Brady." Cassidy called after him but he was already out of the office and heading towards his truck.

Brady recalled the address again as he got into his truck and started the engine. Amelia lived approximately twenty minutes from the garage so Brady hit on the gas, wanting to get there quicker.

In just under fifteen minutes Brady was idling outside a tall, black gate with two security guards standing outside.

Brady took in the large plot and the mansion sitting smack in the middle of it. He grimaced as he knew he was right, this girl was nothing but a rich, spoilt brat; her house just proved it even more.

"How may we help you?" one of the security guards asked Brady through the open driver's side window.

"Is your boss's daughter home?" Brady asked coolly.

"May I ask why?" the guard asked.

"Because I want to fucking know, that's why!" Brady snapped. "Now tell me is she in or do I have break this fucking gate down and go inside to check for myself?"

The guard didn't seem to appreciate Brady's tone but he didn't say anything, instead he went to the little room beside the gate and looked to be speaking on a telephone, Brady assumed it was an intercom to the house.

Brady sat in his idling vehicle for a few minutes before the guard looked over at him. "Your name?"

"Tell her it's Lily's brother." Brady told him.

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