Kiss and Make Up

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After embracing for what felt like forever Brady and Amelia pulled away from each other. There was a silence between them before Amelia broke it.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"For?" Brady questioned.

"I know talking... opening up to me like that was extremely difficult so I appreciate you telling me." She answered.

"It was easier than the thought of losing you forever." He told her seriously.

"Besides I also  needed you to know why I wanted to get closer to you at first, that day when I first came to your house, I seen that man's face on your wall and I needed to know... I needed to know him and how he was connected to your family." Brady added.

"Did you find out?" Amelia asked.

Brady stated at her for a long moment before he spoke, "I got too busy with something else."

"Something?" She questioned, almost in a whisper.

Brady scooted closer to her.

"Someone." He breathed.

Amelia gulped and ran her tongue over her lips, ignoring the rate her heart was beating at, ignoring the way her breathing picked up and the way her stomach was doing somersaults.

"I guess I got too caught up in you and other than once I never dug for any sort of information." He whispered, looking at her lips then back at her grey eyes.

"Then I guess it was a waste of time." She whispered back, this time looking at his lips.

"I disagree." Brady answered. "I might not have found the answers I've been looking for but I did find something else which means so much to me now."

"And what is that something?" She asked.

Brady opened his mouth to reply but instead he pressed his lips against hers and kissed her in the most gentle, loving way she's ever experienced.

Brady cupped her cheeks and pulled her closer, kissing her as passionately as he could. He had never felt so much before with anyone before..

Amelia wrapped her hands in his hair and kissed him back with the same amount of passion, she lifted herself off the bed and sat on him, pulling him closer. She wanted to feel as close as humanely possible to him.

"I missed you so much." Brady breathed as he left her lips and pressed his forehead over hers.

Amelia bit onto her lower lip and looked into his eyes. "Show me how much." She whispered.

Brady pulled away an inch and looked at her slightly wide eyed. "Wh... what?"

Amelia blushed and rolled her eyes. "Don't ruin the moment by making me spell it out for you."

"No I don't mean to it's just... well are you sure?" He asked sincerely.

"I'm not vermin, I doubt you asked Cassidy when you-"

"Shhh." Brady hushed her and placed a finger on her lips.

"You are the furthest thing from vermin and don't you ever compare yourself to Cassidy or anyone else. You're Mia... my Mia and you are special which is why before I touch you I need to make sure that you are one hundred percent sure about this." He told her.

Amelia nodded with a reassuring smile.

Brady chuckled in response.

"What?" Amelia exclaimed blushing more.

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