Destination: Forever

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Lily held her arm comfortingly. Amelia hid her feelings, she knew that she pretty much deserved the cold shoulder from Brady, after all she left for five years and never called or even wrote. He was bound to be angry, besides just because she still felt the same way about him, it didn't necessary mean he did too.

"I'm going to go back to my seat before Hillary arrives and freaks out." Amelia told them.

She looked at all three of them. "It's really so great to see all of you again."

"You too Lia." Lily smiled. "Maybe we could do lunch sometimes? To catch up."

"That sounds like a plan." Amelia replied.

Amelia made her way to her table, after her brief encounter with Brady she was upset, she didn't expect him to run into her arms but to completely disregard her like that wasn't something she expected either.

"Ladies and gentleman." Aaron, Hillary's brother spoke into a mic at the front of the room. "We apologise for the delay but if you know Hillary, you know that an hour late is actually early for her."

The crowd chuckled and Amelia smiled.

"Without further ado, please welcome the lovely couple; my sister Hillary and her future husband Hugh." He announced.

Everyone cheered and clapped, and the lights dimmed, with a spotlight at the entrance as Hillary and Hugh walked arm in arm.

Seeing the smile on Hillary's face brought joy to Amelia's heart, her friend deserved to be happy.

Hillary spotted Amelia and she cheerily waved at her. Amelia blew her a kiss and smiled widely.

They took a seat at the same table Amelia sat at, Hillary took a seat next to Amelia and hugged her. "Thank you for coming."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Amelia told her after pulling away.

"I know I just thought with Brady being here, you know it would be awkward." Hillary said. "Him and Hugh are kinda like besties now."

Trust Hillary to still not have a filter. "I had no idea he would be here or that him and Hugh were even friends." Amelia said.

"Anyway, you look gorgeous." Amelia changed the subject.

"I know right." Hillary beamed. "Alexander McQueen original."

"Now we aren't big on formalities, but we needed at least one speech, so we like to call up Hugh's best man Brady, up for a few words." Aaron said.

Amelia shot her eyes to the front to see Brady standing there, taking the mic from Aaron and seeing the brief encounter between the two made her remember the time Brady wanted to literally kill Aaron at Hillary's party. Things really did change, here Brady was at a party and friends with people he once despised and the only person he cared about from this world he now despised and that was her. He seemed to fit into her world better than her; he surely didn't stand out as she did that night.

He cleared his throat and that brought her out of her reverie, she looked up and was staring right into his eyes as he spoke.

"So I'm not really one for speeches and public speaking but Hugh made me his best man and told me that this was apparently my job and organising a kickass bachelors party but that's beside the point, I kind of owed him one. Many years ago when," he paused and looked at Amelia for a moment, "when I was having a little difficulty with someone in my life at the time, Hugh – at the time a complete stranger – helped me out and had a hand in fixing the matter."

Amelia recalled the time when she refused to see Brady after a huge fight and Hugh brought him in, because of Hugh she and Brady sort of made up that night and after that a real relationship started between the two.

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