Brady the Bully

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"Oh My God!" Brady and Amelia heard another much more dramatized exclamation. "When? How? What?"

Brady pulled away completely, he rolled his eyes and cursed under his breath in annoyance whiles Amelia felt a little embarrassed.

"B-Brady and Amelia, I never thought..."

"Oh for fucks sake it isn't such a big deal Adam." Brady said exasperated at the blonde boy whose eyes looked as if it was about to pop out.

"Not a big deal?" Adam exclaimed. "I just saw two mortal enemies literally eating each other's faces off! That my friend, is a huge deal."

"We weren't eating each other's faces off." Amelia corrected him. "It was just a kiss."

"Just a kiss?" Adam said each word slowly. "Brady Ryland and Amelia Stanton sharing 'just a kiss', now that's something to be shocked about! I would've been less shocked if I saw flying monkeys with yellow and orange tails doing the Macarena on your front lawn!"

"You're overacting." Amelia rolled her eyes and got out of the truck.

Brady followed her steps and the two of them were shortly standing in front of Adam. A thought quickly occurred to Amelia and just as quickly she voiced it, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I think the bigger question is why were you two kissing when you hate each other?" Adam asked.

"No, I think Amelia's question is more important, just what were you doing here? The last I checked you weren't a frequent face seen on the Stanton daily guest list." Brady said.

"No he's not." Amelia stated. "So tell me why you're here."

"Gee, you two are treating me as if I'm a trespasser or something – as if I came to rob the Stanton residence." Adam rolled his eyes.

"You could be." Amelia pointed out. "I don't recall inviting you over so tell me what you were doing here or I'll force the answer out of you."

"Amelia." Brady said to her. "I'm sure he had a valid reason, he didn't come here to rob your precious fucking house so relax."

"Did you just take my side Brady?" Adam looked wide eyes at him. "I must be dreaming, there's no way I could've witnessed the two of you kissing and now Brady taking my side." Adam exaggerated.

He held out his arm. "Quick one of you pinch me so I can wake up and be sane again."

"Oh stop with the fucking dramatics!" Brady slapped his arm away in annoyance.

"I felt you." Adam whispered to himself. "Holy guacamole, which means all of this is real!" he exclaimed.

"Are you going to tell us what you're doing here or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" Brady snapped.

"There's no need to be so barbaric, I'm sure Adam here has a perfectly good explanation for being here." Amelia told Brady with a sarcastic smile.

Brady stared at Amelia hardly in response and Amelia did the same, the tension clearly evident between the pair.

Adam raised a brow and looked between them. "I feel like a child stuck in the middle of two fighting parents undergoing a divorce – you know when both parents don't really love the kid but they intend on taking his side and keeping him just to spite one another." Adam ranted. "Yeah and if I may add, I feel pretty used right now so I'll just go and look for Lily elsewhere."

Both Amelia and Brady broke their stare-down and averted their attention to Adam. "What?" the asked in unison.

Brady took a step closer to Adam. "What do you mean look for Lily elsewhere?"

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