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"Brady." Amelia whined. "I hate being blindfolded; please can I take it off now."

"Stop being so impatient, just wait a few more minutes." Brady said as he held her hand and walked her to their destination.

"Can you at least tell me where we are." Amelia requested.

"That would defeat the purpose of the blindfold." Brady answered.

"Brady." Amelia whined again.

"Stop whining, don't you trust me?" he asked her.

They came to a stop and Brady let go of her hand, stood in front of her and slowly began removing the blindfold.

"I trust you with my lif..." she trailed off as she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.

They were at their spot after a very long time, life had just become to busy that they never found any time to just have a moment to themselves in the countryside. However, this time their spot looked a lot different, there were candles all around the grass, the nearby trees were decorated with fairy lights and there was a pathway of rose petals leading her to the open trailer of Brady's old truck. On the truck there was a blanket with a picnic basket and a bucked filled with champagne.

Amelia was at a loss for words, the Brady she met years ago probably couldn't even spell romantic and now he planned the most romantically beautiful night.

"Say something now." Brady told her.

She covered her mouth in utter disbelief, the entire area was absolutely beautiful and perfect. The last few weeks were a little strenuous for the pair, they were both so consumed with work that they barely had any time for each other which caused a bit of tension but after seeing what was in front of her, Amelia had forgotten just how hectic the last couple of weeks were.

She turned to Brady and crashed her lips on his, she kissed him so hard showing him just how much she loved him and what was in front of her.

When they pulled away Brady grinned at her. "I take you like what you see."

"Love it." She smiled and pecked his lips a good few times.

"Stop with the kissing or I'll forget about the food waiting for us and have you for dinner instead." He teased.

"Hmm." She mused out loud. "That's not such a bad idea, I'm not really that hungry for food you know, and it's been a while since we..." she trailed off and seductively circled her arms around his neck.

"Control yourself." He playfully scolded her. "I have an entire night planned out for us and you are definitely on the menu tonight but good things Mia... good things."

Amelia's grin widened, she truly missed this side of Brady so much and this was exactly what both of them needed.

Brady took her hand and lead her down the rose pathway towards the truck. He walked around to the front door while she stood at the foot of the trailer and watched him.

"Where did you dig this old thing up from?" she asked him.

"Don't hate on the truck." He told her as he shut the front door and made his way to her. He handed her a bunch of her favourite flowers. "This old thing played a very vital part in our love story which is why I asked Jarred if I could have it for the night."

"You asked permission for what you still own?" she asked as she took the flowers from him. She smelt them and her heart fluttered that he still remembered her favourite flowers were cherry blossoms. "Thank you, they're beautiful."

"The truck stays at Jarred's garage so I kinda had to ask and he uses it more than me because a certain lady in my life only rides in luxury." He answered before he kissed her cheek. "You're welcome, I remember everything about you."

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