We All Hurt A Little Sometimes

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Amelia didn't need to be told twice, she left and didn't hear when Adam asked what happened. All she knew was that she had to get out of there right at that moment.

Hugh took her hand and together they made their way out of the courtroom. She knew Brady wanted her there but that wasn't a priority at the moment, and she knew he would more than understand.

Hugh had his car brought to the courtroom just before they were about to reach so within no time they were in his BMW and on their way. Hugh turned a twenty-minute drive into ten.

He abruptly pulled up Amelia's driveway, Amelia's heart was racing, and she was hyperventilating as she got out of the car. Ignoring the many cars on her driveway she bolted towards the front door.

"Lia!" Hugh called after her.

She ignored him and ran into her house, as soon as she stepped into the entrance hall she froze and when she saw what was heading towards her, her world became undone.

She was breathing rapidly as she took slow steps towards two men wheeling out a stretcher, the stretcher had someone on it and there was a silver foil covering the face of the person.

Amelia was terrified but she walked up to that stretcher and ignored the restraints of the two paramedics when she held onto the foil and removed it, revealing the face of the person under.

Her eyes widened and her heart felt as if it stopped beating as she looked at the person lying on it covered in blood. The image in front of her was horrifying and would be edged into her mind and heart for as long as she lived.

"Ma'am you need to get out of the way." The paramedic said while the other covered the face again.

Shock immediately filled every single part of her body as she watched them take the body away and as they grew further away, she realized what happened and ran after them.

She was about to leave but Hugh grabbed her and held her back. She tried to push him away, but he was holding her as if his life depended on in.

She watched in horror as they placed the body into a coroner's van and shut the door.

"No!" she screamed at the top of her lungs stretching her arm out. "Daddy!"

A river of tears came flowing out her eyes and she didn't have the strength to stand so she fell to the ground. Hugh crouched and held onto her tightly, trying his best to console and control her.

"Dad!" she cried in pure and utter agony. "No!"


It's strange right? One-minute life is great and simple and we're all so happy and never expect anything bad to happen. Life is great, so great that we never take the time to appreciate what's around us and when we do appreciate it, it's too late. We love the people closest to us but how often do we tell them? How often do we show them? We show them our hatred and anger far more frequent than we show them love and the only moment we realize what we love is when it's gone and can never come back.

Amelia stood at the graveyard in her black dress and black hat. To say she was hurting would be an understatement. Her father was dead and there was nothing she or anyone else could do to bring him back. There wasn't enough money in the world to perform that kind of miracle.

She looked at the casket that was lowered into the ground and it felt as if all her happiness was being buried with her father. She had never felt pain so grave and so raw.

"From dust to dust..." she vaguely heard the pastor say as she was consumed by her own thoughts.

She felt Hugh's and Hillary's arms around her as she sobbed, she couldn't be there anymore, she couldn't see her father be withered away to nothing.

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