Leaving Each Comfort Zone

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Amelia watched as Brady walked away, she sat idle in her spot just staring at the vacant space which Brady occupied just a minute ago and her mind replayed the look on his face as soon as she mentioned his father.

His father's death really affects him, I wish I knew what happened so I can know which lines I cannot cross but moreover I wish he'd open up and talk to me when he disagrees with something instead of just walking away.

That's it, Amelia mentally told herself before she put on her shoe and decided to follow Brady. She knew Brady would've probably left the dance studio completely so she did the same and was in no time out in the busy Chicago streets.

Oh come on, he couldn't have gotten that far. She squinted her eyes and looked left and right seeing if she could spot Brady. To her left she spotted a tall dark haired male wearing a leather jacket and since he wasn't too far from her she automatically knew it was Brady so she took quick steps to catch up with him.

She rushed after him and as she neared him she called, "Brady!"

Brady, however, ignored her and carried on walking at his fast pace. Amelia on the other hand shook her head and rushed forwards until she was close by and she grabbed his arm.
"Brady, stop!" she slightly panted as she spoke.

Brady slowed down his steps until he stopped but he didn't turn to face her so she walked around him, until she stood face to face with him.

"Why'd you storm off like that?" she asked.

"Because I felt like it." He bluntly responded.

"I was wondering when you'd make a return." She remarked.

"I never left." he stated.

"This is why I was hesitant about giving you another chance, hell I shouldn't have even considered it, I should've just told you to get lost that night you came into my house." She yelled in exasperation.

Brady looked at his surroundings. "Do not create a scene." He warned under his breath.

"Oh I shouldn't create a scene?" she humorlessly laughed. "The master of scenes is telling me this?"

Brady took in a breath. "Look Mia, I don't want to fight but I also don't want to talk to you or anyone else for that matter right now, please can you leave me alone?"

Amelia remained quiet for a moment and without answering him she shook her head in disappointment and turned on her heel.

Before she could walk off Brady grabbed her hand. "Mia."

She stopped in her tracks and with her back to him she took in a breath.

"I will talk to you very soon, just please let me be myself for a little while." He requested, almost like a plea.

Amelia turned around and looked at him, confused. "I don't get it Brady, did I say or do something wrong yet again?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm and taunt.

"No it's just..." he trailed off and exhaled. "I don't want to talk about it right now, just give me a little space and I'll answer your questions. I promise."

Amelia could tell that he was quite desperate and perhaps she touched on forbidden ground bringing up his father so she didn't have much of a choice but to give him what he asked.

"Alright." She nodded. "But if you take too long, you can consider me gone for good this time."

Brady nodded at her in response and with once glance he turned around and walked away.


It took Brady two whole days to contact Amelia again. Amelia decided that if by the third day he didn't reach out to her then she would've just assumed that they were done for good but on the night of the second day while Amelia was reading in her bedroom she heard her phone ring and Brady's name flashed on the screen.

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