A Peek into the Past

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"I don't have to be friends with your friend's right?" Brady asked her.

Amelia took a moment to reply. "No but you shouldn't be rude to them either."

"So you're stopping me from being myself?" Brady teased in an accusingly tone.

"Brady just be civil." She told him.

"Okay okay but in my defense she was being a bitch and you know for a fact that I actually was being nice to her." He defended himself.

Amelia knew Brady was right, he wasn't 'Brady-rude' to her; he was really actually nice to her and even though Hillary didn't approve of her relationship with Brady and didn't particularly like him either, she had no right to be rude to him.

"And I thank you for that." Amelia sincerely said.

"Anything for you Mia." He grinned at her.

Their brief little moment was broken when Amelia reached her father who was standing at the bar about to collect a drink.

"Brady." Her father said politely with an extended arm. "I'm glad you made it."

Brady took his hand and the pair exchanged a firm handshake.

"I always keep my word." Brady said earnestly.

"Would you have something to drink? It's an open bar, help yourself." Richard said.

Brady nodded. "Thank you but I'm really not much of a drinker."

"Bad drinking history eh?" Richard asked in a teasing tone but Amelia knew her father very well and knew he was snooping.

"I haven't drunken enough to make that bad history you speak of." Brady replied.

"Just don't like it then?" Richard asked.

"Just don't need it." Brady stated.

Amelia smugly grinned at Brady's response, she was glad that Brady had the right answers for her parents clear uncouthly questions – well at least it seemed so thus far with her father.

"Then a soda it is." Richard told the bartender who was waiting for his order.

The bartender handed Brady his drink in a glass filled with ice.

Richard took a sip from his scotch. "I see you cleaned up well son."

"It's not really my style but I did it for Amelia, it's the least I could do to put a smile on her face. She seems so tense and sad lately." Brady replied with a humorless grin.

"You don't happen to know what's bothering your little girl lately, do you sir?" Brady added.

Richard swallowed and shifted uncomfortably for a moment before he composed himself. "I'm sure whatever it is, she'll be fine soon."

"Right darling?" he looked at Amelia.

Amelia nodded but avoided eye contact. She circled her hands around Brady's instinctively as she felt a little vulnerable at that moment.

"Well enjoy yourselves." Richard announced and left the pair.

Brady felt a little bad for poking at her wounds, he looked at her apologetically. "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to upset you."

She smiled assuring at him. "No don't be sorry, to be honest he kinda deserved it. He was being snarky with his words and you handled it fitting."

"Yeah but still, I think I went too far bringing up... well you know." Brady said.

Amelia pecked him on the cheek. "Relax; I know I told you to be nice but not so nice."

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