An Arrogant Stranger

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Hi Guys, so this is something completely new. I hope you all give it a chance and stick with me, I know this isn't the best of chapters but the first chapter is always a little crappy. Please bear with me and support this as you have with my other story. I promise it will get better as it develops : )

"I am leaving as we speak mom." Amelia said into the receiver of her phone as she jumped into the back seat of the black Mercedes that was parked outside her front door on the long driveway.

"You were supposed to leave a half hour ago Amelia." Her mother replied sternly.

"It wasn't my fault." Amelia was quick to defend as her chauffeur started the engine. "Stan was in the bathroom; therefore I was waiting for him."

Stan, Amelia's personal chauffeur scoffed under his breath and glanced at her disapprovingly in the rearview mirror. Amelia returned the look with an apologetic one because she knew that Stan was innocent and in fact was waiting for Amelia for a whole half hour while she got ready for her lunch with her mother. The truth was that Amelia had overslept and that's why she was running late but she didn't want to hear a long seminar from her uptight mother, so she opted with blaming Stan instead.

Amelia heard her mother sigh. "Whatever the reason, just as long as you're in the car and on your way. You know how much I hate waiting. I will see you in a few."

Amelia hung up and let out a breath, her mother was a handful at times - well most times. She couldn't fathom why she needed to attend this lunch; after all it was her mother's cousin's engagement party, so Amelia saw no reason why she should be heading out into the city to discuss details with the caterer and party planner.

Amelia wished her mother would acknowledge that she was just eighteen going onto nineteen and it wasn't her place to take care of such matters but deep down she knew that her mother just wanted her there to show off her beautiful daughter.

It wasn't unknown to anyone and Amelia herself that she was beautiful with medium length, soft blonde tresses, big blue eyes, a great figure - which wasn't too skinny or too curvy - and Amelia's most favorite and loved trait, her dimpled smile.

"You blindly lied to your mother Miss Stanton." Stan's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"I know." Amelia causally replied. "But it was the only way my mother would shut up, had I told her I was late because I overslept, she would've thrown a fit."

Stan cleared his throat. "But was it necessary to blame me?"

Amelia glanced at the grey-haired man whom she'd known all her life in the driver seat and felt slightly bad for falsely accusing him. "I'm sorry Stan, but as I said, rather you than me."

"Yes I agree that your mother would've probably freaked out at you for being late, but in my defense she can't fire you from being her daughter, whiles me on the other hand...."

Amelia chuckled. "Don't worry Stan, as long as I'm around, you won't get fired. I'll throw a fit if that had to happen."

"I appreciate that." Stan grinned.

Stan had been the oldest and most loyal staff member of the Stanton's, he has been Amelia's personal chauffeur since she was a little girl and she took the elder man as a grandfather figure, despite being an employee of her father's, Amelia saw him no less than a member of the family.

The rest of the ride was silent with just the soft melody of music filling in the air. Amelia glanced out the window of the car and admired the luscious looking grass of the many plots they bypassed. The sky was grey today because of the morning's rain but she could see the sun trying to make its way out from behind the thick clouds.

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