Crossed Limits

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Amelia exhaled loudly when instead of a bang she heard a click sound. She looked at the gun in her hand then up at Brady who was still standing straight; nothing happened to him.

She took a moment to play over the last ten minutes and all that stood out was Brady literally pressing her finger down on the trigger, making her believe she shot him.

She met his gaze which was boring into hers and anger immediately took over. She pulled her hand away and that caught him off guard as his hand fell to his side. She threw the gun across the room.

"What is wrong with you? Have you completely lost your mind?" She screamed at him at the top of her lungs.

"Satisfied? Are you now convinced that I won't leave you? Did I pass your little test?"

She ran both her hands through her hair as she recalled once again what he just put her through and she couldn't control her tears.

"How could you?" She accused him.

"I thought you of all people would despise guns... after what you seen happened to your father I thought..." she cried.

"Amelia." He took a slow step towards her.

"Don't!" She yelled. "Don't you dare take another step closer to me!"

"Calm down." He told her with his hands out, afraid that if he makes one wrong move she'll break.

"You literally pulled a gun out and asked us to kill each other Brady! How dare you tell me to calm down?!" She yelled. "Never in my entire life has anyone pulled a stunt like this."

"It's not real." He said.

"What?" She asked.

He made a move towards the gun but she flinched away. He put up his hands defensively. "I'm not going to touch you, I just want to show you."

She watched him attentively as he went to pick up the gun and slowly he brought it up to her.

"Don't bring that thing near me." She warned.

He stood a good distance and showed her that there were no bullets at all in the gun. "It's only a BB gun, that too it was unloaded."

"On purpose or did you just run out of bullets?" She asked.

"Of course on purpose. I don't give a fuck about myself but I'd never do anything to hurt you." He told her.

"Too late." She sniffed.

He sighed. "I mean I wouldn't physically hurt you."

"You sure made me believe otherwise." She accused.

"I just wanted to be alone and you refused to leave, I wasn't thinking." He mumbled.

"When do you ever think? I always knew you were impulsive but you completely lost your mind tonight Brady! Jarred is right, you're down a dark path and you're dragging everyone down with you!" She yelled at him.

"When did I disagree with what he said?" Brady said.

"Don't! Don't play the broken, sad little boy okay cause it's not going to work! Whatever you did today is unjustifiable! No amount of pain would drive any sane person to pull that stunt and I don't give a fuck that gun wasn't real because the mental torture you just put me through is something I'll never forget!" She cried and yelled at the same time.

"I told you didn't I? From the very beginning I warned you that I'm fucked up but you refused to see or listen!" He yelled back.

"So are you saying what happened today was my fault? Are you saying I deserved what just happened?!" She asked.

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