A Turn for the Worst

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"We're here." Adam announced as the car came to a stop.

Lily nodded. "I can see that."

"Would you please get out of my car so I can head back home, I have a lot of studying to do." Adam told her coldly.

"Adam not you too." Lily whined.

"What do you mean not me too?" Adam asked seriously. "Do you think this is a joke?"

"I'm talking to you, so can you blame me for not taking you seriously?" Lily replied.

Adam shook his head. "I might kid around a lot Lily but I can differentiate between right and wrong and this time you're in the wrong."

"You helped me find my mom, your mom catered for her and you not only gave me her address but you drove me here too so don't blame this on me." Lily defended herself. "Besides you said so yourself that there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to get to know her, you supported me. So why are you behaving so strangely with me now?"

"Yes I agree I said all those things and I still do but what you did today..." he paused and shook his head. "What you said to Brady, that was beyond wrong."

Lily shifted in her seat and faced him. "My whole life I've obeyed every little thing he asked of me and I've always been so scared to do things that I want, I mean I was afraid to meet my own mother out of fear of him. That's not right Adam, you shouldn't fear your loved ones; there's a line between fear and respect and when you lean more towards fear that relationship is toxic and sometimes abusive."

"So now you're accusing your brother whom I might add almost single handedly raised you, of abuse?" Adam accused.

Lily lowered her gaze as she recalled him raising his hand at her. "He raised his hand at me."

"I don't defend what he did but Brady isn't a fool, he's like a billion year old dude trapped in that young body, he has reasons for everything he does, if he didn't want you near your mom it was for a valid reason." Adam told her.

He sighed before he continued. "Look raising his hand at you was wrong, very wrong. But you pushed him too far and must've hurt him more than you realize for him to act that way, besides he stopped himself before he touched you. If anything that act probably hurts him more than it hurts you."

Lily raised an annoyed brow at Adam. "I thought you were my friend so why are you siding with Brady? The same Brady who never misses a chance to insult you whenever he sees you."

Adam half grinned. "Believe it or not but I know Brady cares for me in some way and he's like the brother I never had. As for me taking sides, yes I am but I'm on the side of what's right and this time you're wrong. All those cruel things you said to Brady will stick with him forever, I've never seen anything break Brady before but today seeing the look on his face; you shattered your brothers heart."

Lily swallowed hearing Adams words but in her mind she was right so she looked at him unaffected. "Brady is tough, he'll get over it besides he knows what I said was only the truth."

"Brady's tough." Adam repeated with ridicule. "I think that's the problem, no one sees what happens below the surface and how much he really suffers and deals with."

Lily sighed, annoyed. "He's my brother I think I know him better than anyone else and whatever I said today was the truth so please save me a lecture. I am almost seventeen years old and I can make my own decisions. Besides it's not like I broke the law or something, I only made a decision to get to know my mother and he freaked out and decided to rule my life again."

Adam nodded, defeated. "I suppose so."

Lily frowned. "What? You don't agree with me? You're my friend Adam, I at least thought you'd understand and support me."

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