Bad At Goodbyes

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"Are you going to eat that or just play with your food?" Chantelle asked Amelia.

Amelia who was lost in her thoughts was aimlessly playing with her breakfast in front of her. She blinked and cleared her throat before she took a bite of her egg white omelette.

"What's the matter honey?" Her mom asked.

"I told you mom, I'm worried about Brady." She answered flatly.

Chantelle sighed. "Honey you're not only neglecting work but your health now too, and for no reasons whatsoever."

Amelia looked at her mom annoyed. "Do you even have a heart mom?"

"Excuse me?" Chantelle questioned.

Amelia sighed. "Mom I don't have the energy to argue with you. I know you hate Brady but he's on the verge of losing his only aren't figure, have some compassion."

Chantelle who just finished her breakfast wiped her mouth with a napkin and left it on her plate before speaking. "I don't hate him, I just hate that he's apart of your life. And I do have compassion, I just don't want you ruining your future for something that is inevitable."

"What are you implying here?" Amelia asked.

"Death is inevitable darling, no matter how crude and painful it sounds but that's life."

"Real comforting mom." Amelia responded sarcastically.

"It's only the truth." Her mother said.

"Yeah thanks, I'll remember to repeat this to Brady." Amelia said. "Anyway I'm off to the hospital, I'll see you later."

As Amelia left the dining room and headed outside to meet Stan, she thought over the last week and it was the most tense and slow week she'd probably ever experienced.

Ellie had been in hospital for a little over a week and still hadn't woken up, she had also developed an infection in the hospital and wasn't responding to antibiotics which was gradually also causing her organs to fail. Her kidneys had seemed to be giving issues as well, all her organs were slowly starting to lose function. That was the thing with the body, when one organ had an issue all of them starts to pick up problems.

Brady had been very quiet over the last week, he kept all conversations at a minimum and mostly stayed at the hospital. Visiting hours weren't restricted to him and close family, the doctors told him to spend as much time as possible with Ellie as he wished, it was safe to conclude things didn't look good at all.

"The hospital Ms. Stanton?" Stan asked as Amelia got in the backseat of the car.

"Yes." Amelia answered.

The ride was quiet, Amelia wasn't up to talking much since Ellie was hospitalized, she didn't even go to work or speak to Hugh or her dad. She ignored texts and calls unless it was Brady or Lily.

"The community is holding a prayer tonight at the church for Ellie." Stan told Amelia.

"Alright." Amelia responded.

"We start at six pm, you're welcome to join if you wish. Prayers are what Ellie and her family need right now." Stan said sadly.

"Thank you Stan, I'll try to make it." Amelia told him.

"If you could convince Brady it would be really nice, I know Lilian will be joining." Stan said.

Amelia scoffed. "I can't make promises Stan, we all know Brady's opinion about religion."


It had probably been the longest week of Brady's life, the torture of seeing Ellie frail and limp on a hospital bed just waiting for the inevitable was torturous.

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