I Miss You

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"Is it really you?" Brady asked, surprised that Amelia was standing in front of him after all this time.

She grinned and he admired her trademark dimple. "Yep, it's me."

Brady was at a loss for words, Amelia was standing right in front him and he didn't know what to say or do. He felt like a stupid teenager facing his crush.

"I... I thought I'd never see you again." Brady breathed.

"Don't be silly, this is my home I had to return at some point." She answered. "It's not like you own the city."

Brady frowned a little, het tone was off – it lacked the compassion and love she always had when she spoke to him.

He ignored it, he figured it was so long since they spoke that things might be a little awkward. "So how are you? Where have you been?"

She titled her head. "It clearly has been a long time since you've developed manners. Since when does bad boy Brady ask how you are."

"Well wasn't that the purpose of going our separate ways? To grow and learn from our mistakes so that when we meet again, we'll be better people." He said.

"Yes that was one of the reasons but," she paused. "but life holds no guarantees, this time apart has made me realize just how much better off I am without you, I feel free and more like myself."

Brady's frown deepened and he took a step closer to her. "What happened to you?" he whispered.

"I'm Amelia Stanton and I lost track of who I am for a little while but over the last year I found myself again." She stated.

He was feeling anxious and a little scared, his feelings for Amelia hadn't changed one bit but here she was as the same obnoxious girl who got into his truck, only this time she seemed worse, it was almost as everything they went through meant nothing to her.

"If that's the case then why did you come back so soon?" Brady asked.

"As I said this is my home and where else does a girl go to get married?" she casually said.

It felt as if his heart stopped right then and there, he couldn't have heard right. Did she just say she was getting married? No it couldn't be, she was only gone for a year, how could her life change so much in such a short space of time.

"What?" he breathed. "How? I mean you've only been gone for a year."

"Really? It's been that long? Wow time really does fly when you're happy." She smiled.

Brady looked down and glanced at the huge diamond ring on her finger. He then looked up at her and she really looked happy, he could see the spark in her eyes that was missing the last time he seen her.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she lifted her hand and showed off her ring. "I fell in love with it as soon as he proposed. When I met him in college, I was still heartbroken over you, but he fixed all my broken pieces in no time and I fell hopelessly in love with him. He taught me what true love is, and I couldn't be happier."

Brady physically felt the pain in his chest as each word left her lips, if he thought he was heartbroken when she left it was nothing compared to knowing now that she was forever lost; she will never ever be his again.

She was looking at her ring with a wide smile. "I mean I doubt you could ever get me anything relatively close to this ring. I know I made the right choice."

He took in a deep breath and plastered on the most convincing smile on his face despite how much it felt as if he was dying on the inside. "Congratulations, I'm happy for you Amelia."

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