1. Broken

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Astrid was riding horseback through the deserted land alongside Prince Phillip and Mulan; They were on the way to rescue the lost princess- Aurora who was put under a sleeping curse for more than twenty-eight years. "Hyah, hyah!" Phillip shouted at the horses who sped up even faster.

The three of them approached a castle that had vines all around the place and hopped off of their horses. Prince Phillip quickly made his way over to his sleeping fiancé who was laying on a table-like bed in the center gazebo of the room. He unsheathed his sword and cut the vines surrounding the woman and rushed over to her side.

Phillip then placed his sword back inside of his case and looked at the princess who looked like she was sleeping peacefully. Mulan and Astrid stepped inside of the gazebo while Astrid scanned their surroundings for any sign of threats or possible danger, her mask covering the bottom half of her face as usual.

Phillip started to lean in to kiss his true love but stopped himself before glancing up at Mulan and Astrid and began, "If this works, we don't tell her everything, not right away."

Astrid removed her mask to where it now rested around her neck and gave a small nod. She only takes her mask off around people who she trusts and she trusts Mulan and Phillip. They've oddly wormed their ways into her heart somehow and was like a big brother and sister to the teenager, despite Astrid actually being the oldest.

Because of Neverland and her realm that she grew up in, her aging has significantly ceased for hundreds of years. She's around three hundred, maybe four hundred. But, in all honesty, if her aging hadn't stopped and she had never went to her realm or Neverland, she would be a twenty-eight year old.

Phillip slightly hesitated before placing his lips over Aurora's and kissed her, pulling back a little just as a wave of magic washed over the land and Aurora gasped aloud, her eyes fluttering open. Aurora glanced over at her love and smiled. "Phillip?"

A smile broke out upon his face as Phillip laughed in happiness. "Yes, Aurora." Aurora smiled a little but also lightly scolded him, "I told you not to come after me." Though, it wasn't that hard to miss that she was very happy to see him. Phillip softly chuckled and caressed her cheek in his hand and gave her a more confident, passionate kiss than before.

Astrid stepped off of the gazebo and resumed scanning her surroundings for any impending threat around them; Mulan was heading towards the front of the castle as Astrid glanced back over at the couple and moved over to the Chinese woman heading over to the stairs.

Astrid crouched down and placed her palm flat on the ground; Mulan noticed this action and curiously moved over to the teenager who sensed her coming and held up a hand at her to stop her. Astrid felt a slight rumbling in the ground and unsheathed her twin swords from her hips after standing back up. Mulan now held her sword in her hand also, looking around them in alert.

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