94. Wish You Were Here

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(I did a thing and made an edit of Astrid Jones, which is the video above. It's not the best but I did it, lol.)
(Also, Peter Pan has returned.)


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Astrid sat on top of the coffee table, her legs folded Indian-style as she sharpened her battle axe.

She was upset and was trying to clear her head.

Her husband was truly back, and yet, not with her and her five year old son.

And Astrid really didn't know how she should tell Zephyr-- if she even should.

She didn't want him to hurt even more.

David moved away from the kitchen and over to the living room to find Astrid continuing to sharpen her axe, "Astrid."

Astrid shook her head, not bothering to look up at him, "I don't want to talk yet."

He sighed and sat across from her on the couch before placing his hands over hers holding her battle axe, "Let it out, A. It's not good to hold it all in."

Astrid sighed and glanced up at him as he noticed the brokenness in her blue eyes along with tears.

"After everything Peter and I have been through..." Astrid murmured, "He still doesn't see that we're stronger together. He doesn't believe in himself or- or us."

David also sighed, "Do you still believe in him after everything?"

Astrid furrowed her eyebrows at that question and gave him a look, "Of course I do."

David repeated himself from a while back, "Then help him realize the strength you two have and have always had."

She wiped her face and set her axe down next to her, saying, "It's different this time. I can't."

"A, I know you're hurting and angry and other emotions." David pointed out, "You sharpen your battle axe there when you're emotional or stressed... But you can't for too long for one simple reason: Zephyr. He needs you, especially now."

Astrid moved a strand of hair behind her ear as she deeply inhaled, and said, "I know that. He doesn't know right now. I just don't want him to hurt anymore."

David sadly smiled, "You should tell Zep that his father's alive. You seen how Henry felt when Emma lied about his father's death-- and you've seen how lies tend to tear us apart."

Astrid slowly nodded, "I know. And I am gonna tell him. That's why I was clearing my head."

Regina, Snow, Emma, and Hook suddenly entered inside of the apartment and moved over to them.

"Astro, your husband is up to something-" Emma spoke up first, making her sister stand up as she watched her suspiciously.

"He's gathering these ingredients to make a portal," Regina added on the explanation.

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