96. Murder Most Foul

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Peter was standing in front of his wife's coffin as did everyone else, all holding umbrellas to block the rain from soaking them.

He held an arm around his five year old's shoulders as the two of them watched people place arrows on top of the coffin.

They then stepped up to the coffin last and placed their arrows on top also while Peter felt numb and empty inside but held together for his son.

He stepped back a foot, now standing in between Hook and David while continuing to keep a comforting hand on Zephyr's shoulder as he remained in front of his father.

Everyone began to disperse while Snow stepped over to Peter's side after David led Henry and Hook led Zephyr away.

"How are you holding up?" She began softly, tears in her eyes, heartbroken over the loss of her daughter.

Peter sighed, "I'm not. I made so many mistakes, but loving Astrid and being with her was one of the best choices I had ever made... and I took it for granted."

Snow nodded in understanding and moved her hand over her son-in law's own hand, "She loved you so much. Don't ever forget that."

Peter glanced over at her and nodded, his jaw flexing some, "It's my fault. I brought him here. I thought I was protecting her... I failed."

Snow gave him a sad look, not knowing what to tell him then as she was grieving also.

"I just wanna say goodbye alone, if that's okay," He then murmured as Snow nodded and half hugged him before saying, "See you at Granny's."

She walked away from the grave with one more glance towards the gravestone, leaving Peter alone now.

Astrid's grave had the name 'Astrid Jones' engraved on it.

They thought that last name suited her best , being how she was raised more by Hook since she was just a baby.

"I'm so sorry, love," Peter softly said, a single tear falling onto his face, "After everything... even all the bloody deaths we've had, I should've believed in us, in you. But this time, it feels like you're actually gone now... And it hurts like hell. I can't do this without you. I need you, Charming."

He kissed two fingers before placing them on top of the coffin, another tear falling, "I love you forever and always, Astrid Jones..."

Peter removed something from the inside of his jacket and now held her favorite dagger in his hand and placed it on top of the coffin with the arrows.

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