6. Child of the Moon

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Astrid soared over the trees on Stormfly while Hiccup rode Toothless in lead and Fishlegs rode his dragon, Meatlug, and Snotlout rode Hookfang, his dragon, and the twins rode Barf and Belch. "It began with one Fireworm, and as we were flying back, we kept seeing more and more." Fishlegs started.

"You think they were migrating?" Astrid inquired as Hiccup countered, "If they were migrating, the whole island would be on fire."

"Not necessarily. When Fireworms migrate, they send out scouts to see if their migration route is safe. If this is a stop along that route-" Fishlegs corrected.

"An entire flock of Fireworms could be coming through here." Astrid finished.

"Well, I say bring 'em on. I love those little scorchers." Tuffnut, the twin and brother of Ruffnut, replied.

"Well, are you still going to love them when they all burn the entire island down?" Hiccup inquired towards him.

"Yes! Wait, no. Wait, is that a trick question? Because it's pretty tricky." Tuffnut said.

"Fishlegs, how much time do we have?" Astrid asked behind her at the big teenager on the Gronkle dragon as he answered her, "Uh, it's hard to say. If it's a full migration, the rest of them could be here by the end of this week."

"Ha! Good to know. It's been nice knowing you, island." Snotlout spoke up and turned his dragon around and began to fly away, "Snotlout is outlout!"

"We're not abandoning the island, Snotlout." Hiccup also spoke up and moved Toothless in front of the retreating man as Snotlout pointed out, "Uh, yeah we are. Watch."

"Guys, we put too much work into this place to just leave. Snotlout is not outlout. We are staying and that's it." Hiccup said.

"Fine! But I still like my plan better." Snotlout muttered.


"Okay, Astrid, you and Fishlegs filled the water troughs, right?" Hiccup began as Astrid confirmed, her hands on her hips, "Yup! Topped off the barrels, too."

"Ooh, I found a perfect cave for the Night Terrors. High enough and perfect enough so that the flames can't get to them." Fishlegs added.

"Perfect! Now if the twins would finally get back, we could find out what they've done." Hiccup replied.

"Oh, I can tell you what they've done. Zero, zip, zilch. I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah, goose egg!" Snotlout commented.

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