83. Firebird

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Emma looked at her sister and Regina in slight shock and said, "You told her what?"

Regina shared a slight grimace with Astrid as the two admitted in unison, "To give him a chance?"

David gave them a look and asked, "And you two thought that was a good idea because...?"

Astrid sighed, "Because I hate to admit this, but we're family, and Regina and I are trying to trust Zelena."

"She thinks she can change Hades," Regina nodded in agreement with the girl next to her.

"I'm sorry," Hook spoke up, "Have I missed the part where Zelena changed?"

"You'd think the ex-pirate with a rum habit would cut my sister some slack," Regina remarked.

Hook sarcastically smiled at her and shot back, "Well, you'd think that the Evil Queen would be smarter than to send the Wicked Witch to romance the most devious man alive."

"Hey, none of us could have bloody changed if someone hadn't given each of us a chance to prove ourselves or someone who believed in us." Astrid also threw out there.

"Easy, guys," Emma spoke up in attempt to calm them down, "We're not gonna win the war against Hades if we use all our ammo on each other."

Suddenly, Hades spoke up as he stepped over to them, "The Savior has a point."

The group looked over at the god in surprise while Hook moved his hand outstretched in front of his daughter protectively like David did, being the two was on both sides of her.

Emma moved her son behind her, "Get behind me, Kid."

"Oh," Hades said, "I didn't find you to hurt you. I came for your..." He sighed, "Wow, this is hard. Help."

David and Astrid looked over at him in confusion and simultaneously asked, "What could you possibly want our help with?"

"Simple," Hades answered, "I went to meet Zelena for our date and found this." He held up a note.

Regina took the note and unfolded it as she read, "No."

She handed the note over to Astrid who read the note herself, saying, "Zelena, she's been kidnapped by Gold and my husband."

"They're asking for a meeting tomorrow morning," Hades added.

Emma looked over her sister's shoulder at the note and spoke up, "Gold wants you to tear up the contract for his unborn child."

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