81. Ruby Slippers

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Hook laid Red down on the bed inside of the Blanchard apartment as he stepped back and let David and Snow on both sides of her.

"Is she okay?" Zephyr spoke up from in between his parents.

"Why is she down here?" Henry also asked as David began, "Is she...?"

"No, she's still breathing," Astrid assured.

"Well, how long do you think she'll be out?" Snow questioned them.

Peter sighed, "I don't know. We hit her with some strong stuff."

"Where has she been since she left Storybrooke?" David inquired in confusion.

"I don't know. She went to find her pack." Snow shrugged.

"Unless they're dead, I'd say she's sniffing in the wrong place," Regina commented.

"Any explanation for what she's doing here?" Hook also asked.

Emma showed everyone a piece of plaid cloth in her hand, saying, "Just this."

Astrid stepped forward and moved over to Red and replied, "Let's find some answers, then." She hovered her hands over the werewolf's body as her hands glowed white now.

Astrid's veins darkened as she continued to heal the wolf and then stepped back slightly breathless just as Red gasped and woke up.

David moved a concern hand over Astrid's shoulder, silently asking if she was alright. "I'm fine. Just- Just healing people down here is a bit more... draining."

After explaining where Ruby was, the werewolf answered, "The Underworld!? I don't understand. I used a tracking spell, so the cyclone would bring me to Zelena."

"Ruby, she's down here, too." Emma pointed out.

"Wait, love. You came down here looking for Zelena?" Hook added.

Regina sighed in annoyance, "Why am I not surprised? Uh, what did my sister do now?"

Ruby admitted, "It's my friend, Dorothy. Zelena wanted to get her magic slippers so that she could get back to her baby."

Snow looked over at her and asked, "Ruby, what did Zelena do to your friend?"

"That's why I'm here. I don't know." Red began to explain, "Dorothy went to face her and just disappeared. Mulan and I looked everywhere, but we couldn't find her. Snow, this is all my fault. None of this would have happened if I hadn't shown up in Oz. It's just one more life that I have destroyed because of what I am."

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