4. The Doctor

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Astrid was ahead of the other four women as they trekked through the forest back to camp. "I don't know if I can do this. I'm not a very good liar." Aurora began anxiously.

Astrid sighed, tapping her left fingers on the hilt of the sword strapped to her left hip. "I'm going to go fill the canteens back up. We're going to need water after all, right?"

Mulan nodded in agreement and handed the teenager their canteens. "Be careful, Kid, okay?" The warrior told her as Astrid smirked a little and nodded once.

Astrid headed towards the river down the hill while the others continued their way towards their camp. The teenager approached the river and knelt beside it, moving each canteen under the water and filling them up one by one.

Astrid stood back up and carried the now filled canteens back to the camp; She stopped in her tracks as she noticed the lack of sentries at the watch towers and then took off running.

Astrid gasped when she noticed every person from the camp dead, their hearts ripped out of their chests. Her mind then wandered to her mother, sister, Mulan, and Aurora and immediately scanned the bodies for them to not find them.

Cora. Astrid realized as she thought who could've done this to her people. She stepped over the bodies and noticed the four women looking at some dead bodies also and breathed in slight relief.

Astrid stepped over to them as she heard Mulan comment, "It's too late. She killed them. She killed them all."

"But we have to stop her before she hurts anyone else." Snow replied.

"And we will." Astrid spoke up, announcing herself to them and stopped beside her mother. "This was a warning."

"A warning for what?" Aurora inquired as they looked over at the teenager who now had her arms folded across her chest and explained to the princess, "That she doesn't want us dead yet. It's to show us that she has the power and is capable of doing this."

"Hey, hey! Look!" Emma spoke up, diverting everyone's attention to the woman who was pointing at a pile of bodies and notice a hand sticking up and waving around slightly.

"There's someone under there!" Aurora commented as Astrid and Mulan moved towards the person and pulled the bodies off of the person who was hiding underneath them. "He's alive!"

"Please help me, please!" A male voice said from underneath the pile. The voice sounded very familiar to the teenager who continued to help Mulan pull the stuff off of him while the other three women circled around them.

Astrid narrowed her eyes at the man and stepped back while Snow took her place beside the man and reassured him, "It's okay. You're safe now. We won't hurt you."

Astrid gripped both of the hilts of her swords on both sides of her hips and scowled down at the man who met her blue eyes and widened his own slightly. "Thank you." Killian said while watching the girl carefully.

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