5. Tallahassee

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Astrid woke up by the sound of her baby dragon rolling about in the soot of the fireplace as Stormfly tried to get comfortable on the burning logs.

The dragon loved the fireplace; She'll screech loudly whenever people walk by or when more logs need to be added to its roost and not stopping until content again- like now.

Astrid stood up from her cot and moved over to the fireplace, adding more logs which made the fire grow some. "Comfortable, girl?"

The dragon made a sound similar to content purring as she fell asleep. Astrid had received Stormfly as a gift from Hiccup and his father, Chief Stoick the Vast.

Astrid sat down on her small couch in front of the fireplace; She lived by herself, other than Stormfly, in a hut in her village known as Berk.

It had been three years since she had finally escaped off of the island known as Neverland. Though, she still looks like a fifteen year old girl.

Both her land and Neverland's time works differently than other realms. You could stay fifteen for like three years before you turn sixteen on Berk. And on Neverland, time just stops and age ceases all at once.

Since Astrid had returned to Berk, she had became a trusted warrior for the Chief and one of the better fighters in the village. She had become solely focused on training and the wars, often isolating herself and ignoring the other teens.

But over time, she has also became more openly talkative and closer to her fellow friends. A strong sense of duty defines Astrid to the core; She'll always do what must be done without regard for herself. She's dutiful and immensely devoted to her cause, very patriotic of the Viking way.

Astrid knew one thing for certain: She never wanted to see Cora or Captain Hook again, especially after what they had done to her.

The six people walked on the path towards the beanstalk, it looking bigger and higher up the more close they approached it. Astrid looked up at it in thought, frowning as she remembered her first time climbing a beanstalk.

It was with Hook before Neverland had ever happened between the two.

The two of them didn't really want to go steal the treasures at the top; It was more of a challenge, a race, to see who could climb further and better.

Astrid had won and Hook had slipped and began to fall, but the teenager grabbed his wrist as he held hers and caught him, continuing to hold the grip on the man until he steadied himself. They had then climbed down and was on the ground safely.

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