🤔 Readers' Choice 😁

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So, back in the previous seasons, there has been some undeniable chemistry between August/Pinocchio and our beloved character, Astrid Jones who also happens to be Peter Pan's wife/true love...

Some said that they'd like to see that relationship between August and Astrid grow into something more.

And others loves Peter with her.

And me as the writer of this book, I have several ideas that I could do whether I pair her with August or continue to keep her with Peter.

But in all honesty, I LOVE both August and Peter with her and can't seem to decide on which future path I want Astrid to take.

As of right now, Peter Pan is dead but I definitely intend to bring him back to life in the story.

And we will get to see August again later on in the story anyway.

SO, I am leaving who she gets paired up with as a couple to you, my lovely readers and fans of this story.

Comment HERE for Astrid and Peter (Pastrid? 😂)

Comment HERE for Astrid and August (Austrid?🤪)

Comment HERE for Astrid with someone else from the OUAT world (or even some other fandom)

Comment HERE if you just want to see Astrid focus on her relationship with her son, Zephyr, and her family (like how Regina was with Henry on the show)

The majority wins, so comment! This is up to you, my fabulous readers! 😊

😮 You'll know in the next chapter on who wins! 🥰

Okay, byeeee for now, ladies and gents 🥺❤️


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