99. Where Bluebirds Fly

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Astrid sharply gasped and glanced around in confusion to find her standing in the middle of the woods at night.

She looked around slightly breathless as a fog drifted through the woods.

"Hello?" The twenty-eight year old let out, "What the devil...?"

She noticed a few bluebirds flying away from the tree in front of her and then noticed a cloaked figure a few feet in front of her.

A twenty-eight year old Peter Pan removed the hood from his head and now faced her, "Love, don't."

Astrid started to step closer to her late husband and inquired, "What're you talking about? Don't what?"

Peter reached out to her and cupped her face in his hands, "Don't make any sacrifice plays. Zephyr needs you, his mother. There will be another way in defeating the Black Fairy. Find that way. Not your way."

Both of them rested their foreheads against each other's lightly as a single tear fell down her face.

"I promise," Astrid murmured, swallowing some as another tear fell down her face, "I miss you, Huckleberry."

Peter also murmured, "I miss you, too, Charming. But promise me that you will also move on and let me go. Find peace for you and our son."

Astrid reluctantly nodded as the two kissed before Peter kissed her forehead before he disappeared in a blinding light.

And at that, Astrid woke up from her dream as she glanced over on the other side of the bed to find her seven year old sleeping sideways on the bed.

She sighed and moved her hand over her pan flute necklace around her neck.


"I was about to wring her scrawny, little neck, and then she just poofed away," Zelena explained what happened between her and the Black Fairy's encounter.

"Makes sense she's headed to the dwarf tunnels. It's an easy place to hide." Astrid replied, glancing down at where her son was currently coloring a picture at the desk he sat at.

"And there are miles of them below Storybrooke," David added, "Pinning her down in there won't be easy."

"Well, the good news is, whatever her plan for the Final Battle, she needs help." Regina spoke up.

Robin nodded, holding his infant in his arms, "Which means, we have time to figure out how to stop her."

"Maybe that's where that piece of wand comes in." Zephyr also piped up, glancing over at Hook.

The said pirate nodded, holding the driftwood-like piece of wand, "Tiger Lily said it had been used to banish the Black Fairy once. If we can find the other half, perhaps we can do it again."

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