3. Lady of the Lake

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Astrid watched Cora carefully from where she still was outside of their cell. "You sure she's going to be okay?" Emma asked the witch who assured the blonde, "Don't worry. She'll be fine."

"What is this place? Where are we?" Emma questioned as Cora answered her question, "It's a little island our captors like to think of as a haven."

"Haven? For what?" Emma asked.

"The world's dangerous- what's left of it anyway." Cora answered.

"They can't keep us down here. We didn't do anything wrong-" Emma began, glancing over at the still unconscious woman and continued, "Well, not in twenty-eight years anyway."

"Neither did I." Cora replied, "I'm here because of something... my daughter did. The curse that ravaged this land- She cast it." Cora answered.

"Regina? You're Regina's mother?" Emma voiced her thoughts.

"Yes, but you have nothing to fear from me. The apple fell very far from the tree. You two are over there, aren't you? How'd you get back?" Cora commented.

"Emma." Snow spoke up while standing up and holding the back of her head in her hand. She then noticed Cora and muttered, "No..."

"Oh, Snow. You're awake. I'm so relieved." Cora started, "Oh, Snow... Sweet Snow, please. Believe me, whatever she told you isn't true. I just want to help you."

"Let's hear her out." Emma whispered as Snow protectively stood in front of the blonde while the teenager outside of their cell continued to listen to their conversation and continued to sharpen her battle axe.

"Emma." Snow warned.

"Okay, right now we are at the bottom of a hole with no other options, and Henry is back in Storybrooke with Regina." Emma continued to whisper.

"Who's Henry?" Cora inquired.

"My son. I kind of share him with Regina- It's complicated-" Emma immediately said.

"Don't talk to her." Snow replied, turning around to look at her daughter and now held her arms in her hands.

"By the way, Snow... you do know that your daughter, Astrid, is actually here at this camp. In fact, she's actually the one guarding this cell right now. Say hello to her." Cora started again.

Snow and Emma looked over to the cell door just as Astrid stood up from her stool and moved over to the door to look at them fully. They was then able to see the teenager with long, blonde hair and blue eyes.

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