79. Our Decay

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Zephyr tossed in his sleep, furrowing his eyebrows as he was deep in a nightmare.

Hades suddenly appeared to finish Regina off with the Olympian Crystal, but Robin takes the blow for her.

Yet, suddenly, Astrid had appeared in front of Robin and Regina magically and was hit with the crystal instead of them.

After being hit, Astrid shared one last look with Regina and her adopted father before collapsing and dying.

Astrid's spirit abruptly separated from her body to reach out longingly at them while Robin tearfully watched his daughter fade out of existence.

Astrid glanced over at her bed to find her five year old sleeping, seemingly having a nightmare at that, too.

She moved over to him and gently woke up the kid. "Zep, baby, wake up. It's okay, it's okay."

Zephyr woke up crying and instantly buried himself in his mother's arms as he let out, "Mom- Mommy... I don't wanna lose you..."

Astrid held onto the small boy even more and assured him softly, "I am with you always, Kid. And if something ever were to happen, I will always be right here." She tapped his chest where his heart was.

Zephyr shook his head quickly and tightened his hold on his mother, saying, "N-No, Grandpa Robin-- He-He's gonna die to save Regina, but-but you took his p-place... You was k-killed by Ha-Hades..."

Astrid kisses the top of his head and murmured, "It's okay. It'll be okay. Everything will be okay."

"I don't want you to be gone again, Mommy..." The five year old cried, tears streaming down his face.

Astrid moved him a little to make him look up at her as she assured, "I will always be with you, Kid... It was just a bad dream."

She knew it wasn't just a dream, and knew he was having visions of a possible future, but she didn't want to scare him like that and put him through even more trauma.

She wanted him to be happy and to be a kid. And she wanted to be in his life and see him continue to grow.

Astrid knew what he saw in his dream was true because she had saw the same thing in her own dreams.


Astrid carried her son downstairs once he had stopped crying and had calmed down.

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