93. Changelings

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✖️✖️✖️✖️ *One Month Later*

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*One Month Later*

Astrid stood on Hook's other side as did Emma and Regina as the four watched the fairies wheel in a young fairy who had been drastically aged to an elderly woman.

Blue sighed and walked over to them as Emma began, "So?"

"It was the Dark One with the Evil Queen." Blue replied, "They're together."

"I used magic like that when I was the Dark One to speed up Zelena's pregnancy," Emma said.

They suddenly heard Belle speak up from the doorway, "This is about me! Rumple's going to do the same thing so that he can use the Shears of Destiny to cut our son's ties to his fate. And then, when that happens, he can take him from me, he can corrupt him or even worse..."

"If that truly is his plan," Astrid put out there, her arms folded across her chest lightly, "Then why would he announce it to us?"

Belle scoffed, "Because he wants me to know what he's doing. He's trying to scare me so that I'll go back to him, which I won't do, I can't do. There has to be a way to stop him."


"So, in my dream, my son said that the answer to stopping Rumple was right in front of me. Didn't say where." Belle explained.

Emma looked at the book that the French woman had, "And this is the book you were reading?"

"Yeah," Belle murmured.

Both Hook and Astrid noticed something about the text on the pages while Emma remarked, "Yeah, I don't think a spell for the removal of hair is going to help us."

"It's not the spell that's gonna do it, Em, it's the book itself-" Astrid began.

Hook nodded and finished for her, "Or rather, the ink it's written in. AJ and I'd be a poor excuse for a pirate, if we didn't recognize squid ink when we saw it."

Belle realized, "Squid ink. It-It can stun Rumple."

Astrid nodded, her hands over the hilts of her swords, "Aye, and while he's held, we can take the shears from him."

"Okay, I can use my magic to extract the squid ink," Emma spoke up, "The question is, how do we dose him?"

"I can do it," Belle replied, "He's doing all of this because he thinks it'll force me back to him, and if that's what he wants, then that's what I'm gonna make him think I'm doing."

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