22. And Straight on 'Till Morning

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Astrid hopped off the back of the truck as her parents and Emma exited the vehicle also, the four of them seeing Gold watching Henry swing.

"Gold. What are you doing here?" David started first as they moved over to the man curiously.

"Well, my son made it clear I'm to stay away from him, so... I'm spending some time with my grandson instead." Gold answered.

"Emma, it's okay. Why don't you go talk to Henry?" Snow commented to her older daughter, "We'll handle this."

"Mr. Gold, we have some news we need to share with you." Snow reluctantly began, "And it's not good."

Gold replied, "Not interested."

"You have to hear us out." Astrid said, "It's about Bae." She could still feel everyone's emotions and she was a little bit tired.

"Yeah... What about him?" Gold asked the teenager.

"Tamara shot him." David answered which made Gold stop in his tracks and face them, hurt and sadness now in his eyes. Gold murmured in shock, "What? He's dead?"

Astrid could even feel Gold's pain and winced some as Gold glanced over at her and said, "You tell me what happened."

"They used a bean to open a portal. Baelfire was hurt so badly, he fell through." Astrid started hesitantly as Gold stepped back with a shaky gasp, "He's gone."

"Bae wasn't supposed to die." Gold muttered sadly with a shake of his head. He glanced back at Astrid and snapped, "Stop feeling my emotions."

"I would if I could." Astrid remarked in annoyance, "Believe me, I don't want everyone's pain and hurt. I didn't ask for it."

David laid a hand on the teen's arm and began towards Gold, "Greg and Tamara-- They took something from Regina- A magical trigger. A fail-safe in the curse that can destroy Storybrooke."

"If they activate it, it's a self-destruct." Snow added, "Everyone not born in this world will die."

"I know this is hard, but we need your help. I know what you're feeling, Gold-" Astrid began as Gold cut her off, "No."

"They killed your son in cold blood and you don't wanna stop them?" David replied.

"They didn't kill my son. I did. I brought magic to this world to find Bae and now he's dead." Gold said, "Magic always has a price, and this-- this is it. But I'm prepared to pay it."

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