82. Sisters

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Astrid stood in between Emma and David as Emma remarked in slight disbelief, "Zelena is in love?"

Regina nodded, "And not thinking rationally. Which, for her, is a big problem."

Hook stepped forward on Emma's other side, saying, "We have to stop her. If you can't because she's your blood, then allow me to."

Peter spoke up next to the table, his arms folded across his chest, "Well, it's a step in the right direction."

Regina sighed and admitted, "Well, taking action against Zelena in any form will get messy."

"Okay," Astrid spoke up and folded her arms across her chest, "So we find a way to keep them apart." She glanced over at Hook and Peter, "Without killing anyone."

"I'm waiting for the better option," Hook commented.

"So, what's the plan?" Emma questioned, glancing from her twin and then over at the former Evil Queen.

"Well, there's only one person we can trust to destroy the love blooming between Hades and my sister." Regina started.

Astrid caught onto what she was saying and remarked in slight amusement, "Our mother."

Regina nodded, repeating the eighteen year old, "Our mother."


Hook had went out for Regina to retrieve Cora where she was being imprisoned.

David was out getting some supplies while Henry had stepped out of the apartment with Emma.

Astrid looked up from the storybook when she heard and saw the door open, "Hey. Where were you?"

Peter closed the door and admitted, "At my brother's shop. Listen, love. He needs my help in protecting his unborn baby and Belle-"

Astrid moved over to him and inquired, "Okay. But what kind of help? Will there be people who gets hurt after this?"

By the way Peter glanced down at the floor, Astrid had her answers.

She moved a hand over his chest where his heart was as he looked at her again, "Peter, no. You can't step back into that darkness."

Peter's eyes softened at his wife and replied, "A, you know I have to. He's my little brother, my family. And like you, I'd do anything for family."

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