39. The Jolly Roger

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Astrid quickly glanced behind at the burly men chasing her as she ran in the crowd of villagers, taking different turns to try and lose the men.

All she did was steal some food from a booth at the market; She has to eat, also, if she wants to survive.

Astrid pushed her legs even more and sped up down the cobblestone path and didn't stop until she ran straight into the back of a black haired man.

She fell over and landed on her butt on the ground, saying, "Hey, watch it-" Astrid began but stopped when the man turned around and faced her with a grin, "Hook."

The one-handed pirate outstretched his hand towards her as she looked at it and helped herself back on her feet; She folded her arms across her chest as she looked up at him.

The last time Astrid had seen Hook was back in Berk when he and Cora had saved her from being executed.

"What do you bloody want?" Astrid inquired, still upset and hurt at him for abandoning her on Neverland.

"Huh. Figured you would've punched-" Hook started but was cut off by Astrid hitting him in the face and shoving him backwards. He grunted some, "Yup. There's the Astrid I know..."

"What are you doing here? You bloody left. You don't get to come back in my life," Astrid spat at him.

"I just had to see if you were doing okay-" Hook tried to talk to her.

"I'm okay-- I always am," Astrid replied before turning her back on him, "I'm a survivor. I can handle bloody anything. I always do."

Astrid remarked while reading a blueprint of a baby crib, "I've seen enemy battle plans that were easier to decode than this."

"That makes two of us," David agreed as he looked at the blueprint also. He and his daughters were on the floor, trying to figure out how to build a crib for their baby.

"Let me see," Emma spoke up and looked at the paper while grabbing some pieces, "All right. It says 'take Screws E with washers D through bar C using wrench F, which is... not provided."

Astrid looked at her twin and groaned slightly, "Are you serious?" Emma nodded as Astrid sighed and pulled out a dagger, beginning to use it to screw in a screw in one board.

"Why don't I just call Marco? He's really good at this sort of thing," Snow suggested.

"No!" "No. We're fine." "Don't even. We got this." Emma, David, and Astrid said simultaneously while going back to work on the project.

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