45. Remember

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Astrid hopped off of Stormfly and looked around at the familiar village and land- Berk. She kept one hand on the side of her dragon's head and took a deep breath before murmuring, "Welcome home, Stormfly."

Stormfly lightly growled some in a purring kind of way and moved towards the field where other dragons played.

Astrid began walking down the cobblestone pathway, placing her hands lightly over the handles of her swords buckled on her hips.

Five year old Astrid struggled to pick up the heavy load of supplies for her family's farm for this week, especially being sore from her training yesterday.

A one handed pirate with a hook noticed the blonde haired girl continue to attempt at picking up the heavy load onto her wagon from where he stood beside a booth; He moved over to her and helped put the load on the wagon, starting, "What's a kid like yourself doing out here alone?"

Astrid pointed out confidently, "I'm stronger than I bloody look." She rubbed her dislocated left shoulder with her right hand before letting out, "I'm just sore... and tired."

"Why? You're, what, maybe only five? You should be with your friends and just being a kid," The pirate pointed out in confusion.

Astrid sighed, "I have a mom to think about. My dad-- He-He's gone..."

Hook slowly nodded and let out, "I'm sorry, lass. I know the pain of losing your parent."

"Yeah, well, I have to go, Sir," Astrid commented while moving to sit on top of the wagon and taking the reins in her small hands. "Um, thanks for helping."

Hook sighed and was fixing to step away but stopped, looking back up at the child, saying, "Hey, Kid, if you need anything... you've got a friend in me now."

Astrid glanced down at him from her seat with raised eyebrows in slight confusion and asked, "Why? You don't even bloody know me, and I don't even know who you are."

"Captain Hook at your service," He answered with a light smile before adding, "And you just remind me of myself in a way but... better."

Astrid held out her small hand towards him and shook his hand, saying, "I'm Astrid Hofferson."

Hook nodded, "Nice to meet you, Astrid Hofferson. If you need anything, my ship is called the Jolly Roger. That's where I'll most likely be."

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