87. A Bitter Draught

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"Okay! Uh, room keys are on the counter," David began towards the crowd, "Fresh clothes are by the jukebox-"

"What's a jukebox?" A man in the crowd wondered aloud as others nodded in agreement.

"Lunches are by the front door," David added.

Regina stepped inside of the diner with Henry and Robin as Hook spoke up, "Your Majesty, it's about time. The rabble are getting restless."

Regina simply stepped over to the counter next to Snow and David, cleared her throat, and dropped the storybook on the counter a bit loudly, gaining the people's attentions.

"As mayor, I would like to officially welcome you to Storybrooke." The firmer Evil Queen spoke up, "You fled to the Land of Untold Stories because you were afraid that whatever was in this book is going to play out. But now that you're here, I'm sure you're scared it will. But what you don't realize is... I'm just like you. I'm also getting a fresh start, and I don't know what the future holds either. But I do know one thing."

Regina continued, "We don't have to be afraid of anything. Because whatever comes next, we're going to face it, together."

The crowd applauded at her just as Astrid walked into Granny's when she noticed a bunch of new people standing around the diner while Zephyr held his mother's hand in his.

Emma noticed her sister and began curiously yet in slight concern, "Hey... Where were you yesterday?"

Astrid smiled some, "We, uh, spent the night in our treehouse yesterday. I just needed some time away to... clear my head after Peter..."

Emma nodded in understanding as she glanced over at Hook who spoke up, "Well, we were worried, lass." 

Astrid sighed somewhat, "I know. I'm sorry." She smirked a little, "But hey, at least I didn't take off for like a week this time."

Hook threw a fatherly arm around the girl's shoulders and pulled her close, "Aye, that's true. Saved us the trouble of bringing you back, kiddo."

Astrid laughed slightly and twisted the pirate's arm off of her and grinned, "Hilarious, Dad."

Hook kept his smile just as Belle entered inside of the diner who started, "Hey, does anyone know-"

Emma looked over at her in slight shock, "Belle, you're here, and awake."

Belle nodded, "Yeah... and I need a place to stay."

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