40. Bleeding Through

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Astrid was immediately engulfed in a tight fatherly hug by Robin as she hugged him back. She smiled and stepped back to stand beside Peter, saying, "Where's Roland?"

"Gathering some sticks," Robin replied.

Astrid nodded but frowned when a bad feeling washed over her. "I'll be right back." She jogged further into the woods and looked for her little brother.

Peter shared a look with Robin and sort of shrugged. They then noticed someone as Robin instantly grabbed his crossbow and raised it at the person, Peter saying, "That's far enough right there."

Gold turned around to face them and the Merry Men as Robin added, "You know this arrow never misses its mark."

Gold replied, "If I could stand down, I would. Heed me. Give me the heart."

"No," Robin said as Gold sighed just as Astrid stepped into the clearing with Roland in her arms while he carried the sticks in his little arms.

Astrid slightly widened her eyes and placed Roland back on the ground, gently pushing him behind her protectively; Gold looked over at the two and asked about the kid, "Astrid. And who is this?"

"Roland, Astrid, go back!" Robin exclaimed in worry. Gold smirked and replied, "Come here, you two."

Roland held onto Astrid's legs tighter as Astrid glared at Gold and remarked, "We're fine right here, thanks."

"And I don't want to do this, either," Robin stated with a glare towards the Dark One, shooting the crossbow in his hands.

The arrow soared to Gold but stopped in midair by Gold's magic as Gold commented, "It never misses its target... And I've just change the target." The arrow turned towards Astrid and Roland. "If I drop my finger..."

"Brother, don't do this-" Peter began as Astrid sank down in the dirt beneath her magically by Gold. She kept a protective arm around Roland, though.

Gold stopped the Merry Men and Peter from running towards Roland and Astrid with Robin yelling, "No!"

"I don't want to, but I will," Gold simply replied.

Astrid noticed Robin lower his crossbow as he let out, "Wait." Astrid slightly widened her eyes when he stepped over to a tree and pulled out a small pouch.

"Robin, don't-" Astrid started, struggling to move from the magical hold on her.

The archer showed the heart to Gold who nodded and took the bag from him, saying, "Thank you. And I am sorry. Truly."

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