Cerulean City - Part 1!

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Ash and Bagon sat aside each other in heavy silence. Ash had just completed telling Bagon the story of her deceased mother. Bagon listened silently and patiently what exactly had happened to her mother and how Ash got her egg.

'Then...I guess I would just have exceed her expectations eh?' Bagon spoke in a tone completely unexpected of a baby pokemon who had just hatched 3 days ago and just got the news of how her mum had died...She sounded...relieved to hear her mother's past.

Ash allowed a small smile to grace his lips and then he spoke, 'Yes...I promised her that I would raise you into a true dragon...One day...One day I hope that you can wear this necklace with pride...I will be waiting for that day we can test our bonds together through Mega Evolution...'

Bagon slowly nodded her head, 'I wait for that day as well...' Her tone sounded...hollow. Ash looked into Bagon's eyes...There was a glint that was not supposed to be there so early...There was a flame that burnt with such intensity that made Ash gasp for air. There was a picture that Ash didn't want to see...

...In Bagon's eyes there was a reflection of himself. An exact copy of himself. Those black shining orbs that burnt with a cold blue fire of determination...Just like him...after he lost THAT man...But Ash knew better. He knew the meaning of that cold blue fire in ones eyes.

...After all it was the same cold blue fire that burned in his eyes which made him the outcast in Pallet. It was the cold blue fire of determination that caused him to grow up so fast....alone...without friends...

Ash was about to say something when he noticed the look in Bagon's eyes. He knew that look. It was defiance. It was the look of determination that defies all odds and still comes out at top...

And so with a sigh...He made a decision. A decision that created another replica of himself, 'You are not backing down are you?'

'No way!' Bagon replied resolutely.

'...I wanted to start your training a little late since you are so young. But...If you want to grow up faster than you should...Then I will gladly fulfill my duty as a trainer to help you reach your ambition...' Ash stated.

With that Ash recalled Bagon with a vow to train her to her limits and a promise to a certain Salamence in his mind.

'Watch me mother. Watch me grow into a true dragon worthy of being called your legacy!' Were the determined thoughts of Bagon as she was recalled into her Pokeball.

And thus with a sigh Ash walked forward from the clearing towards the 'Aqua Blue' Cerulean City.


From the rough and rugged landscape of the outskirts of the exit of Mount Moon a figure clad in a red black jacket and bluish black pants emerged. He gazed upon the massive gates of the 'Aqua Blue' Cerulean City bathed in the twilight.

After hours of climbing rough and rugged landscapes and battling wild Pokemon and trainers along the way they had reached Cerulean.A small smile crept up his face as he turned to the blue Pokemon walking beside him, 'Finally we've reached here eh Bagon?' Ash asked Bagon who was walking beside him.

'Seems like it...' She responded and then Ash recalled her into her Pokeball and entered the City.

As Ash walked on the streets of the city he gazed upon the lighted shops and fancy seafood restaurants of the city. Cerulean was more developed and modernized than Pewter. Although after 1 month of staying away from his home Ash was starting to miss the silent and quaint atmosphere of Pallet along with his...Uhh...eccentric AND loud mum.

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