Squirtle Squad - Part 1

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It has been a week since Ash had left the Hidden Forest. It had taken him 3 days to find the exit to the forest but eventually following through Melanie's instructions he had been able to exit that accursed forest.

And 4 days has been since then. It was a eventful week though...First and foremost of all...

...Charmander had evolved...

It was on the second day that he'd left the forest when he came across a rather popular shifting circus. It was by sheer dumb luck that he'd had the misfortune to meet a dumb, extra-stupid egghead wannabe Magician named Melman...Who owned an Exeggcute...Whose Exeggcute suddenly evolved into an Exeggutor and marched off to a small gathering to other Exeggutor...And then brought back those Exeggutor to rampage in the circus...

...Now, Ash was not a goody-two-shoes by any stretch of the word...So he would have stayed away from those grass psychic pokemon and let them rampage through the circus without any sort of interruption...

HELL! He was more than likely to borrow a caramel popcorn from an abandoned stand at the circus and gaze at the rampage from afar while chewing on the sweet delight but...

...He'd...err...Lost his temper and overreacted when a single Exeggutor had launched a stray Egg Bomb attack towards his direction...Ash had reacted pretty violently by coating his arm in murky purple aura and stabbing the Exeggutor through its plant like body like a hot knife through butter. And then he'd released Charmander, he was a fire type and dealing with those grass type Exeggutor was easy so...Free EXP points for the win! YAY!

...But he'd certainly not expected Charmander to evolve into a moderately big crimson pokemon with his fire glowing brighter than ever after those Exeggutor had been dealt with. And that's exactly why there was a red lizard - teasingly dubbed Lizzy by his teammates - Walking by his side. Ash had trained Charmeleon like hell and brought out his positive attributes that his earlier trainer had overlooked...

The thing is...Ash had underestimated Charmeleon's actual will to become a dragon...Ash had been trying the entire 3 days to teach Charmeleon a simple Ember attack but Charmeleon just could barely produce enough flames from his mouth to light up a bonfire but...When Ash had asked Charmeleon to start learning Dragon Rage, a rather moderately difficult Dragon type move the Charmander evolutionary line could learn...An entire fucking BOULDER had been SHATTERED to rubbles by a single Dragon Rage from the evolved Charmeleon that he'd mastered on his first try.

That was the moment Ash had known that this Charmeleon was born to be a dragon. But still...Ash didn't give up hope, he still taught Charmeleon to produce a simple, satisfactory Ember attack...Charmeleon was working to learn Smoke Screen and the stronger Fire Fang though. Smoke Screen would be useful to reduce accuracy and annoy his enemies while Fire Fang would give Charmeleon a stronger STAB move other than Ember.

So...Charmeleon's current moveset was : Metal Claw(Ash liked that move to boost the Attack stat even though the probability was low), Ember, Smoke Screen, Dragon Rage, Growl and Fire Fang under progress.

(AN : So guys as you can I see I avoided making a full chapter just to show Charmander's evolution. You know why? I think you all can guess why...My story now has BEYOND FORTY chapters and it is not even halfway complete...Honestly I have read stories that doesn't have half the number of chapter my does and are yet finished...Although I can't do anything about that...It was me who decided to make this an epic length so *shrug* I'll continue till the end of course...But I have decided to avoid making too many filler chapters or chapters just to cover insignificant events alright? Come on guys...I admit my writing style is descriptive and goes into the highest detail of things but...One chapter for each insignificant event is just too much...I'll predict that by the time this story is over there will be over 100, 200 or even 250 chapters)

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