Viridian City And Team Rocket!

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Ash and Luxio who were walking side by side completely exhausted and covered in dirt, grime and sweat and blood finally gazed upon the majestic gates of Viridian City...

They were still in a daze by the....majestic bird....they saw after Ash caught Luxio...Luxio sighed happily, 'Finally in Viridian eh?'

Ash smiled, 'Yup! I don't think that we will ever forget this day, eh Luxio?'


As soon as they were going to step foot in Viridian a voice shouted, "HALT!! STATE YOUR BUISENESS IN VIRIDIAN CITY!"

They turned back to see the familiar figure of a woman in blue police uniform on a motorcycle...

Ash waved at her, "Officer Jenny I am just a rookie trainer from Pallet, this is my trainer identity" Ash took out his Pokedex and showed it to Jenny and pressed a single red button on it...

"Hello. I am Dexter. I was programmed by Professor Oak for trainer Ash Ketchum, Trainer Identity #1021AD..." The Pokedex spoke in its mechanical voice.

Jenny nodded, "Wow kid you look like hell..." Ash snorted in amusement and told her, "You don't know half of it...Attacked by a squad of Spearow led by a Fearow...jumping and then scuba diving from a waterfall..."


"Yeah..." Ash said...She blinked a few times then scoffed, "Hmph! You must be lucky then because I think the lightning must have hit the flock and you escaped in the meantime..."

Ash and Luxio started to chuckle...loudly.

"WHATS SO FUNNY?!" She asked with a throbbing vein on her forehead. Ash only coughed into his hand, "Nothing...nothing..."

Ash started to walk away from the fuming police officer, she scowled, "Just be cautious of shady people. There has been a bunch of pokemon robberies recently" She said as she drove off on her motorcycle.

Ash took the warning well and turned to Luxio who was walking beside him, 'Pokemon robbers? Are they somehow related to your mother's kidnapping perhaps?'

'I don't know Ash but...if they are the same people? I will fry them with electricity and eat their meat!'

Ash blinked, 'Has the evolution made you more...bloodthirsty?'

'The Shinx evolution line is carnivorous by nature. What do you expect?' Luxio said with an eye roll...Ash nodded, 'Point taken...'

Soon after a few minutes of walking they reached the familiar building with a red roof. Ash entered the Pokemon Centre and directly went to Nurse Joy who gasped at their condition...

It was true though...Ash was bleeding at his left arm and his leg hurt so he was limping...And Luxio's normally black mane was covered in blood and grime at some places...

"What. The. Hell. Happened?" Nurse Joy demanded with a scowl. Ash spoke two words, "Fearow attack"

This statement was enough to face all the faces of the people in the centre go pale...

"CHANSY BRING 2 STRETCHERS. EMERGENCY!!" Nurse Joy yelled and the last thing Ash knew was a soft but firm hand of Nurse Joy on his shoulder before he was laid on the stretcher and taken into the emergency room...


Ash groaned as he woke up...His head and body was hurting in several places...He slowly opened his eyes to see that he was in a room...a posh, clean room of a hospital and Luxio and Ralts were lying on the two beds adjacent to him and his Egg was on the nearby table...

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