Squirtle Squad - Part 2

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A blonde haired girl with amethyst eyes stepped out of the shower, hair glistening with water and a towel wrapped around her...Carefully she took steps in room, cautious for any movement...Some would call her paranoid as hell...But she knew better...

...Because there was an exceptionally cold hearted bastard in the same pokemon center as her who wouldn't even blink before he splits her throat. Cautiously she went to the closet and called out in a whisper, "...Meowth...You can come out now..."

The closet opened and a white cat with a golden coin on the forehead stepped out as it spoke, "...S-Sophia...Y-you look troubled..." The cat pokemon told her with a stutter when he saw her condition...Yes...It was the same Meowth that Jessie and James used to have...Used to because currently...They...They were resting peacefully...In an eternal slumber they would never wake up from...

...Coincidentally the blonde girl...Sophia, otherwise known as 'Domino or Agent 007' was sent to the same prison as them after being caught at Mount Moon by that boy...She...managed to escape with a little bit of cunning from Meowth and her own lock picking skills...

...Just before a single man with a red emblem of R on his chest sneakily entered the prison and launched a single toxic gas bomb in the prison...Sophia was lucky to be able to escape with Meowth before that though...

And contrary to the general idea that Ash currently had, Sophia was not with Team Rocket as of now...She was running away from Team Rocket. Apparently the boss had decided to kill her along with those failures of grunts the moment she got caught...Sophia had too much valuable information to be kept alive...

As for Arianna...She was her former boss who still held a little goodwill towards her. Arianna was currently the only Rocket Sophia was in contact with all because they used to be buddies at a time...

Sophie looked at her cat companion with an almost fearful look as she whispered, "...H-He's here Meowth...H-He's here..."

"Who's here Sophia? Who?" Meowth asked her warily.

"...A-Ash Ketchum...That silver-streaked black haired boy with blue eyes you told me about...That guy who used some weird power on you to hurt you...T-That guy..."

The cat pokemon became petrified on the spot as he remembered the slitted red eyes with that bluish purple energy coating the boy's hands...A silent gasp tore through his mouth as he looked at Sophia with a horrified look...

"...W-We must escape..." Meowth muttered stutteringly.

"...I-I know...But if we leave this center so soon just after he came then he'll get suspicious...W-We have no choice but to hide for now..." Sophia whispered to Meowth.

Both of them fell into awkward silence after that...No one dared speak a word before Sophia lifted up her bag and took out two pokeballs and...An egg incubator with a bluish white egg inside it...

"...If worse comes to worst...We'll have to fight...Houndoom and Duskull would perhaps be able to stall him long enough for us to escape..." She said dejectedly, "...But for now, I'll make sure to remain as hidden as possible..."

"...Meow..." The Meowth released a cat-like purr in approval as soon as he felt his companion's soft hands scratching his ears...


Ash Ketchum put down his bag on the bed with a thoughtful look on his face...He still couldn't get the absolutely devastated look on the girl's face when she had seen him...But he didn't dwell on it too much...

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