Cerulean City : Part 5 - Unimportant

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#Just to inform dear readers that there is a minor crossover in this chapter. Nothing too drastic. Just funny reference that's all.

Ash stood in front of the blue colored gates of Cerulean City with a relieved expression on his face.

...It had taken him 2 days to reach Cerulean after he had left Pokemon Tech. Entering Cerulean brought a few bad memories of his past time here. The phantom face of the blonde rocket woman still haunted his mind when he looked in the direction of the gym.

And so with a sigh he put his step forward in Cerulean.

He was going to challenge the gym. Today. Right now. He had a good strategy planned to handle the Sensational Sisters. They were infamous for battling Trainers in 3 on 3 battles. Ash didn't know much about their pokemon except for the fact that they were water types...

In these two days Ash had measured his new Bulbasaur's capabilities. Bulbasaur was special in his own way...And his needs had to be catered. And that was exactly the reason that there was a porno magazine lying in his bag...

Make-Out Tactics was the name of the book that he had (reluctantly) gifted Bulbasaur. Don't even ask where he got it. The book was said to be written by a person called 'The Toad Sage Jiraya'. The legendary toad sage was said to be a master of toad and frog pokemon. He was a self proclaimed super pervert. But don't judge a book by its cover.

Ash knew all he had to about the man. He was a very renowned Pokemon Trainer. He had a full team of a Poliwrath, a Politoed, a Greninja, a Toxicroak, a Seismitoad and lastly a Venusaur (It kinda looks like a toad with all the rash like dimples on it) which was said to be able to Mega Evolve.

The Toad Sage and the magazine aside. Ash had brought the book to Bulbasaur just to cater his needs. Nothing more, nothing less. Bulbasaur was very happy to receive that book as a gift and had focused more on his training. Bulbasaur was merely a plant which was not watered enough to bloom into a flower, Ash had concluded. Giselle didn't explore the possibilities she could have and many positive attributes of Bulbasaur were left out.

Ash was impressed by the Defense and the Special Defense capabilities of Bulbasaur. He was in one word, an absolute tank in the making. Ash had devised that Bulbasaur was the pokemon to endure hits and drain out enemies till they are no longer able to battle.

His current move set was also in correspondence to that trait of Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur's move-set included Leech Seed, Sleep Power, Poison Power, Growth, Take Down and Vine Whip. Ash Ketchum was impressed.

He had cleverly strategized that Bulbasaur can go two routes to battle an enemy.

1st Route : All Out Offence while taking a few hits along the way. Bulbasaur had use Poison Powder on an enemy which will sap their health slowly. And then when they are affected by the poison he would use Leech Seed to sap more health from them while healing his own injuries. When their enemies would be more wobbly due to poison and unable to attack then Bulbasaur would boost his Attack and Special Attack stats with Growth. After using Growth even only one Take Down would be enough to Take Down(Pun) an enemy. This route was more suited to handle one-on-one battles.

2nd Route : Slow Draining. Here firstly Bulbasaur had to use Leech Seed on the enemy to restrict their movement and then use Sleep Powder to send them into a temporary sleep while their health would be slowly sapped away by Leech Seed. Bulbasaur would use Growth to boost his stats while his enemy was asleep and then give them a mighty surprise with either Vine Whip or Take Down to send them into unconsciousness. How funny. From sleep to unconsciousness.

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