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Time seemed to slow down for Ash Ketchum as he saw the bullet come towards him. He knew this was the end. He accepted his fate and closed his eyes waited for his imminent death if not for a blindingly bright flash…

The entire room was blinded by a white flash and the bullet stopped just ONE MILLIMETER from Ash’s forehead…
The bullet was surrounded in a bright pinkish-purple glow. Ash looked to his left to see reveal a new Pokemon with slender green legs and a white top which resembled the figure of a ‘dancing ballerina’ with 2 red horns on his head.
Ralts…His longtime best friend had evolved to save his life.

“KIRRRRLIIIIAAAA~” The newly evolved Pokemon shrieked and with a flick of his fingers the bullet was thrown to the side like an insignificant worm. Ash and his newly evolved Pokemon looked towards the now horror stricken face of Executive Proton…

Ash and Kirlia turned to Proton with menacing red eyes boiling in rage when suddenly the wall behind them was burst open by a terrific force and there was a majestic roar, “SSSTTTTTEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL!”

The Rocket Hideout in Mount Moon was now officially reduced to rubbles as an absolutely MASSIVE Steelix with a familiar figure of Brock Stone on its head…

Proton was now horrified. Yup! Handling a little snot-nosed brat was something but handling an Elite Top 10 Kanto Gym leader with his original Pokemon was something else entirely.

Brock got down from the massive steel serpent and his eyes squinted at Proton, “Executive Proton…What an honor to meet a man of your stature…” Brock said with heavy sarcasm lacing his voice, “…Officers arrest him!” He yelled and signaled to the police officers who entered through the broken down wall.
The officers immediately removed the pistol from Proton’s hands and he was handcuffed…Before going away Proton spat at Ash’s direction, “This is not over boy…”

When everything settled down Ash and Brock engaged in a staring contest for what felt like hours…

Officer Jenny just beside Brock sweatdropped as Ash stared at Brock’s squinted eyes for about 5 minutes...

“I don’t know whether to be proud of you or beat the recklessness out of you…” Brock finally spoke at last.

Ash just kept on his deadpan face and replied, “…I was...There was no other way…See those Clefairies over there…” Ash pointed to the Clefairy statues, “…Their very essence of life was drained from them Brock. If I was late, I don’t know how many more would have died such horrific deaths…”

Brock winced as he saw the look in Ash’s eyes…They were not how the eyes of a 13 year old should be…They were so…so cold. They were void of life…Of emotions…Those eyes had seen death before this.

Brock went past Ash to inspect the Clefairy/Statues. He gazed into each one of them. They truly were lifeless. Those Clefairies had died truly horrible deaths. Their life force…their very essence of life sucked away from them.

And then suddenly there were a few brilliant white flashes into the room. About 10 such flashes later, there stood 10 Pokemon who were pink in color…They had fairy wings on their backs…
They were the Clefable who resided in Mount Moon…

Brock’s and Ash’s eyes widened as the Clefable started a weird dance around the stone that was kept in the pedestal in the room. They circled around the stone and kept on wiggling their fingers and their eyes glowed a brilliant blue.
The massive stone on the pedestal started to glow too….And then when they stopped dancing…They formed a circle around the rock and their fingers were pointed towards the now glowing rock…
And then…

The world was consumed by a flash of white.

When Ash and Brock opened their eyes their vision was a little blurry due to the bright flash. They could hear noises in the room.

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