Pokemon Tech - Part 2!

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"Ahh yes, it seems my infamous reputation precedes me...I am Ash Ketchum and you are...?" Ash asked for the name of the girl in front of him with a disinterested look.

The girl smiled and replied, "Giselle Yuto. Top student of this year and a 4th grade trainer. It's nice to meet you" She said with pride and offered her hand for a handshake.

Ash inwardly scoffed, 'Nice to meet you...my ass...', he forced a small smile on his face and shook her hand, "It's nice to meet you too..."

There was some relative silence between them which was occupied by the murmurs and whispers in the crowd.

Inwardly Giselle smirked, 'Perfect! Another unsuspecting trainer...A strong one too. They said that he beat those 4 with only his Kirlia...Just convince him to join our school and make him join our house and then I will have another slave! Then I will definetly win the power play of our house...' Now, the thing is that after trainers of their school reach a certain grade, 4th grade to be exact there starts a heavy tension among the seniors. It is usually to decide who gets selected in the next year...And that continues till you reach the 8th and final grade after which you can take graduation. But the problem was reaching the 8th grade. The power-play in the school houses was on multiple fronts. There was the academic front, the scholastic front and even their private lives. And Giselle learnt this early in the school days...Having followers was the key to victory in those power-plays between the houses. So she started to recruit more slave - I mean followers who would follow her decisions unquestioningly and fight for her in those power-plays. Pokemon battles mainly decided the winners. And so having strong trainers in her group was very important. Some trainers who occasionally visited their school would be so enraptured by her beauty that they would join the school and become one of her followers...

...And she knew just how to bring a follower in her group. A few smiles, some teasing and a few flirty comments are all she needed to bring any boy into her group. Girls were a little tough but nothing much for Giselle...And currently she had her eyes set on a certain silver-streaked black haired boy with the Kirlia. After all he singlehandedly defeated 4 of her most powerful henchmen without as much as a scratch.

"...So you are here to visit the school right?" Giselle asked. Ash nodded blankly in answer. She smiled cheerfully and spoke, "...Good! Let me show you around here!"

Now THAT caused a different wave of emotions in the crowd. Giselle! The cold-hearted evil ice-queen who plays with god knows how many boy's hearts had just offered a stranger to show around the school...

'Hmm...Should I go? Maybe...I came here for training and finding Aunt Tulip...She would definetly know cause she seems like that type...' Ash pondered about that for a moment. Now you may be wondering who the hell is 'Aunt Tulip'? Well that story goes a few years back when Ash used to study in Pallet School Of Pokemon. Tulip was a teacher there who also happened to be one of Delia's fellow part-time aides who worked in Oak's lab. Tulip was very knowledgeable in Pokemon Evolution and Mega-Evolution. Ash was one of the best students Tulip has ever taught and Ash too respected Tulip highly because of her in depth knowledge in Mega-Evolution...

...Ash used to wonder WHY Tulip would stare amusedly at the necklace that Ash was given by Salamence that he wore at that time. Now he would laugh hard at his level of pathetic-ness (And funnily that isn't even a proper word). As a student Ash was very interested in studying Mega-Evolution when he was in school but hilariously he couldn't identify a Mega Stone that hung from his neck for 3 GODDAMN years till his mother revealed the truth to him. Ash's mother introduced Tulip to him one day when he went to work with his mother in Oak's lab as the old Professor had offered Ash years ago. Since then Ash started to call Tulip 'Aunt' affectionately...

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