The Clash Of St. Anne Part 3 : Where I Belong

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"...So...It's been a long time huh?"

"...Indeed it has...Although I would have preferred if this meeting wasn't like this."

"...Mm hm. Agreed."

"...Mind getting off me in that case?" / "...Mind getting your hand off my tits in that case?"

Both Ash Ketchum and Cynthia Shirona deadpanned at each other at the same time, glaring into each other's eyes. Slowly Cynthia got up from her position above the blue eyed aura user and Ash withdrew his hand from her ample bosom. The earlier redness and blushes were replaced by cold frowns when they realized exactly who they had crashed into.

The blonde's eyes twitched in irritation when she saw the same asshole she had seen in the Interschool Pokemon Cup 4 years ago. Similarly Ash glared at her with snarl set on his face. Imaginary electric sparks formed between their eyes in the staring contest before both of them turned away with a huff.

Ash straightened his new red trimmed black coat and Cynthia shook off the dust of her pure black leather coat and tossed her long blonde hair aside.

"Stop copying me." Both of them barked out at the same time when Ash too ran a hand through his shoulder length long silvery hair, just like Cynthia tossed aside her blonde hair to reveal her left eye which was generally covered in it.

"...Riiiiioluuuuuuuu?" Suddenly both of them had to turn their heads around to see the familiar blue black pokemon which had run past Ash. The Riolu turned to Ash with a dark frown on its face and growled, "...Riiioooo..."

"Rio! Why are you behaving like that? Yeah he is an asshole but that's no reason for you to get that agitated!!" Cynthia scolded her pokemon.

Riolu didn't listen to her and continued to glare at Ash as it growled, "...Rio lu Riooooo..."

Ash could easily understand what it was trying to say...Although he didn't know what Riolu meant by that, '...Who are you scum? Better yet, how are you even alive? The dark faction was put down years ago.'

Although Ash was surprised at first to see a Riolu in these parts, he was even more surprised at the Riolu's hostility towards him... Riolu was the aura pokemon so it could sense auras. But Riolu and Lucario were said to be partners to guardians once upon a time...So why was Riolu so hostile towards him? And what the fuck was this dark faction anyway?

Ash looked straight into Riolu's eyes and spoke through aura, '...I do not know why you are so angry –'

'That's funny considering the fact your ancestors went against the teachings of our lore and mutinied...' Cynthia's Riolu barked at him venomously.

'...What the fuck is this Riolu talking about? My ancestors? Yeah right, I don't know a single one beside my grandma Dorea and gramps Raphael...And that too because mum told me stories about her parents...I know nothing on that bastard's side though...And what is his dark faction it's talking about?' Ash thought to himself but before he could ask something to Riolu, Cynthia frowned and interrupted,

"Enough. Riolu I won't have you disobeying me like that. Come back into your pokeball. Now." Cynthia swiftly took out a pokeball and recalled Riolu into it as she pocketed the capture device on her belt.

She turned to scowl at Ash for the last time before she turned back, "...You'd better watch your back Ketchum...This time it won't be like last one. I'm taking this trophy and the Ten Thousand Pokedollars..."

"...Keep dreaming Shirona. I won last time...And I will win this time too...Oh what happened to that Gible of yours? Is there still a scar beneath its –" Before Ash could continue further, Cynthia had turned back and was glaring dangerously into his eyes once again, her hand nearing his collar.

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