Clash At Mount Moon - Part 1

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Ash stealthily moved through the dark caverns of Mount Moon with Luxio and Clefairy by his side. He sneaked past a few rocket grunts who were smoking cigars and chatting among themselves and walked towards another cavern.

Soon he came across a favorable spot to watch and attack from. He watched with his cold and calculating eyes as the Rocket Lady made her way towards some more cages from where squawking and many other sounds were coming.

She lifted up some cages and carried them towards the conveyer belt and put them up on it. Then she gasped and ran her hand through her face, "HUH! Dear god so much work has ruined my makeup! YOU SLACKERS DO THE WORK! I HAVE TO DO MY MAKEUP AGAIN! This work is ruining the beauty of my pretty face..." She took out a pocket mirror and a makeup brush from...somewhere and went to a nearby tent to tend to her face...

The 4 grunts groaned and once again turned back to work to see...

A scientist like man grinning at them, "Hi guys! Sorry to interrupt your work but...Say goodbye!" The scientist waved at them dramatically as a blue bolt of electricity from a Manetric sent them to sleep.

Seymour waved at Ash as the work was done and Ash hurried to the tent the lady went to...

As soon as he entered the tent the lady gasped and was about to scream when an Aura Enhanced punch connected to her face and knocked her out to the realm of unconscious.

Ash slung her unconscious body over his shoulder and signaled towards Seymour to get the hell out of here.

They met at their rendezvous point with Clefairy and Ash told her to teleport out of there. Clefairy nodded and teleported them to the place Ash and Seymour first met.

"Now what Ash?" Seymour asked his 'partner' in 'crime'.

"Now we wake her up and get details on what the hell is going on in there. Then we plan on whether to wait for Brock and the authorities to come or...well...we go in, raise hell, come back" Ash said shrugging as if it was as easy as stealing a candy from a kid.

Ash took out Luxio from his Pokeball and spoke, "Luxio, please use the WEAKEST thunderbolt attack on the woman over there"

Luxio nodded and used his WEAKEST thunderbolt on the unconscious Rocket woman, "KKYYYYYYAAAAAAA!!!"

And then entire Kanto was greeted with a bastardized Hyper Voice attack. Ash deadpanned at Luxio, "That was supposed to be weak Luxio..." Luxio just shrugged innocently.

The woman looked around to see that she was gagged and tied to a tree by a rope, "Hello miss. It's not nice to meet you at all so let's cut to the chase. Please tell me about what the hell is going on in Mount Moon or here I have my Luxio who can use Thunderbolt attack on you till you are nothing but roasted chicken. Sooooooo~ Start talking" Ash said politely in his cold monotone.

The woman started to sweat and stutteringly replied, "I-I...I WON'T TELL YOU!" She yelled.

"Luxio...Voltage 100 Volts" Ash said impassively. Luxio grinned and snarled at the woman menacingly. And then a blue bolt of lightning hit the woman and a scream echoed through the entire valley.

"N-N-n..N-o...Mak-Make th-this sto-stop...AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!"

"120 volts Luxio" Ash said with no emotion evident in his voice...Luxio grinned and increased the electricity output...The woman let out a horrible scream as the lightning bolt coming from Luxio increased in girth.

"St-Stop...I'll t-t-t-talk" The woman croaked. Ash nodded, "Stop Luxio" Immediately the lightning stopped coursing through her veins.

"Good. Now start talking. What is going on in Mount Moon?" Ash demanded.

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