It's Time To Raise Havoc!

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Training with Brock was...grueling to say at least. Ash had stayed a week in Pewter for some training with Brock and he was immensely thankful that the Rock Type Leader had taken him under his wing for some time.

Mainly Ash had trained newly evolved Vibrava and she had perfected her move Bulldoze and learnt a new move Rock Tomb. Ash had not neglected Ralts or Luxio either. They trained till they dropped every day...and night. Luxio being a canine had to learn to see in the dark. It was Brock's idea. He was an aspiring breeder too so he knew how to feed Pokemon and take care of them. He passed on some of his skills to Ash. And Ralts learnt the new move Double Team.

In the one week Ash trained under Brock they developed a close brotherhood between them. All in Ash's life he has never had an older brother figure to look up to. Now he did. Brock was able to bring Ash out of his cold shell and become one of the few people Ash held close in life.

Today was the day Ash left Pewter to go to Mount Moon. Right now he stood in front of the Pewter Gym gates ready to take his leave from his care under Brock.

"...I am very thankful you trained me Brock. Thank you. But I must leave now..." Ash stated politely.

Brock nodded and smiled, "Goodbye Ash. You will become a great trainer one day..." They both smiled at each other before Brock's eyes hardened, "...Remember Ash. If ANYTHING happens at Mount Moon do not hesitate to call me. We have been reporting some....suspicious activity there lately..."

Ash nodded, "I will don't worry. I have my Pokemon with me after all..."

Brock smiled, "Good. And remember to take good care of your egg. Most Bagon eggs hatch in 2 to 3 years. Yours should hatch soon..."

Ash nodded and turned on his heels and started to walk.

But there was a difference. He had a smile on his face. A happy one. After all he had gained a big brother in his life.

He briskly walked towards the western edge of 'The Stone Grey' Pewter city with his partner Ralts by his side. Soon he reached Route 3 that led to Mount Moon in almost 7 days time.

'So, this is it eh Ralts?' Ash asked his partner. Ralts nodded, 'Seems like it Ash...Let's head out to Route 3, we have spent enough time in Pewter as it is...'

Ash nodded and headed onto the rough and rugged terrain of Route 3. He enjoyed the hike in the hilly region that Route 3 presented. Jumping down ledges, climbing a few hills along the way and traveling through the long grass where a Pokemon or the other would jump up every one minute and battling a few trainers along the way was fun.

By the end of the day they reached an appropriate spot for camping. Ash took out Luxio and told him to fetch a few dry branches. Soon Luxio came back with a bundle of dry timber and wood on his back. Ash took those and lit a small campfire and put up his tent. He put his canned food on the fire to cook and sat on a small rock there.

Ash took out a map of Route 3 from his pocket and put it in front of him. He called forth his 3 Pokemon Vibrava, Luxio and Ralts and showed them the map.

'Guys this...' He pointed to a specific point on the map,' where we are. And this is where we need to go. I have heard from mum when I called her in Pewter that the path that takes us from Route 3 to the base of Mount Moon takes 7 days time. But since we hadn't planned that we were staying at Pewter under the training of Brock we are 7 days behind schedule so, mum showed me a shortcut that is not generally used but it exists. I want your opinion if you want to travel through the shortcut or not? Choose wisely because mum said that the shortcut is a....dangerous route because of the wild Pokemon living there...'

Kanto : Going My WayOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz