The Need For A Challenge

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Dear Readers,

Greetings my friends. This is not a chapter but instead a request. As you all know that I am writing the story Kanto : Going My Way **Insert "No Shit, Sherlock" here** but writing only ONE story at time gets kind of boring after a while. 

So as you may have guessed from the title that I want a challenge. You all may have many different kinds of ideas about a Fanfic in the creepy place you call a brain! I want you all to convey those ideas to me as a challenge so that I can write another story based on those ideas.

Give me a challenge fic to write which are inside these genres:
1. Currently I can only write a fic based on either Pokemon or Naruto as I am a fairly new writer in the world of anime and manga. Please keep that in mind and give me a challenge based upon these ones only.  
2. I do not write any GODLIKE fanfics. They are very boring. You may know that from personal experience. 
3. You can also give suggestions about a pairing in those challenge fics.

That's all. Stay safe in this outbreak and avoid the clutches of the evil Coronavirus. The next chapter will be available very soon.

Yours sincerely,

Kanto : Going My WayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ