Cerulean City - Part 2

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Ash sensed something very weird...very odd...a feeling of dread crept over him as he closed his eyes and extended his aura senses to try to sense the area around the auditorium.

It was then when all hell broke loose. Ash's danger senses screamed as he suddenly turned to Goldie who was watching the water show with fascination beside him, "Goldie! Let's get out of –"

He was cut off by a massive explosion which shattered the glass aquarium Lily, Daisy and Violet were performing in...The civilians became frightened and started running helter-skelter in panic trying to find the exits in the auditorium...

...Suddenly a huge metallic robotic spike crashed into the auditorium and tore through the left wall which fell upon the shattered glass of the tank which completely eliminated the possibility of survival of Lily, Daisy and Violet now... Ash grit his teeth together as soon as he saw the huge R symbol on the metallic arm. He turned to the frightened Goldie beside him, "Goldie! It's not safe here! Run! Get out of here!"

The little girl whimpered a little at the harsh tone and spoke, "But-But what about you?!" She asked with concern.

Ash shook his head, "I know those people! They are bad. I will try to fight them off. You get out of here with the civilians!"

Their conversation was interrupted by a certain theme song as two figures appeared on top of the massive metal robot. One of them was a mint haired man and another of them was a blonde lady (AN : Can you guess the name of this pair? Hint: They are the rivals of Jessie and James)

"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double – AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" The blonde haired lady screamed as a blue colored bolt of lightning just grazed a few centimeters past her...

"You missed her Luxio..." Everyone turned to the source of the voice which was Ash. Beside him there was the familiar electric feline whose fur rattled with crackling electricity...

The blonde haired Rocket lady looked at Ash with wide eyes and a horrified expression, "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!"

Ash stared at her blankly while Goldie sweatdropped, 'What kind of backwards ass question is that?' Ash shook his head commanded Luxio, "Luxio you remember what happened at Mount Moon? Try that EMP burst once again to shut down that robot! And try to aim for their hearts or heads! That is an instant killing spot of the body!"

The mint haired man growled and took the blonde lady by her hand and vanished inside the machine as they dodged another lightning bolt from Luxio...

"GOLDIE! GO AWAY AND BRING THE AUTHORITIES HERE NOW!" Ash yelled to Goldie. She was about to protest when she saw the expression on Ash's face. She nodded quickly and made for a dash towards the exit along with the other civilians in the auditorium.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PRECIOUS AQUA TANK!!" Came an outrageously loud voice from among the broken rubbles of the shattered tank. Everyone turned to that direction to see the familiar figure of a certain orange haired girl with a lopsided ponytail dragging the bleeding bodies of Lily, Violet and Daisy from underneath the rubbles.

Daisy coughed and spit out some blood from her mouth as she took out a pokeball from...somewhere, "*cough**cough*Go...*cough*Seel" She released her Pokemon which was a Seel.

Lily turned to Daisy slowly as she felt agonizing pain because of the shattered glass pieces piercing into her skin, "*cough*D-Daisy...Wh-What happened t-to yo-your other po-pokemon?"

"I-I...I do-don't *cough*hav-have their Pokeballs with me now" She answered stutteringly.

"SEEL! SEEL! SEEL!" The white seal pokemon whimpered as it saw the bleeding body of its mistress.

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