Pokemon Tech - Part 5 : Ash vs Giselle

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Ash stared directly into the eyes of the brunette in front of him. A fierce soul piercing gaze in his eyes. How dare this girl bet her own pokemon (A living breathing pokemon) against him?!

The girl smirked slyly at him and spoke, "Come on, it'll be fun! A match. 2 on 2. Between me and you. I win then you join this school and transfer your Kirlia to me. You win then you are free to go with my Bulbasaur...That's it...Or are you..." 'My MOST pathetic pokemon, Bulbasaur that is...' She thought with a mental scoff at her weak Bulbasaur.

"...afraid hmm?" Her devilish smirk split into a wide mocking grin as she said that.

Ash's eyes narrowed dangerously as he glared fiercely at her. He was about to say something when Kirlia beside him spoke, 'Ash accept her challenge'

'What?! How can I Kirlia?! YOU are FAR more important to me. ALL of my pokemon are. I WILL NOT use ANY of you as BETTING CHIPS!'

Kirlia was silent for many moments before he gazed at Ash with hardened eyes, 'We know that Ash...We do. I have known you since we were kids. But I will NOT have anyone call MY FAMILY afraid or cowards...Besides...' Kirlia's evil smirk after that could have sent Giovanni crying to his mother, '...If you win...And I KNOW you will win...Then we get a FREAKING Bulbasaur...Can you imagine that?! The BEST grass/poison pokemon ever! You really need a grass pokemon and we would definetly appreciate a new family member...'

Ash's eyes softened for a moment as Kirlia said those things. Kirlia, his best friend was a sly little devilish bastard. For a fairy pokemon he was very evil. He looked at Giselle with the coldest glare he could muster which made her flinch, "...Giselle Yuto...I accept your challenge..." 'I'll gladly free a pokemon from its trainer who USES the pokemon as a betting chip...What's more can I expect from a spoilt rich snobbish bitch anyway...' He thought bitterly as he gripped his pokeball tightly.

Giselle's smirk didn't leave her face as she thought, 'Great. Kirlia is a well trained psychic pokemon. I'll be damned before I let this trainer and that Kirlia go. From what I have heard that he only has ONE badge. While I am a 5th grade trainer. No way he will be able to defeat me...'

A massive crowd gathered near them as Giselle led Ash to a battlefield. She walked towards the other end of the field with a smirk.

"Hey you!" She pointed at a red haired girl among the crowd of students. The red haired girl pointed a finger at herself as if to ask, 'Me?' Giselle nodded, "Be the referee for this match" She said. That was more of an order than a request.

The red haired girl quickly bobbed her head up and down and took her stance in the middle of the battlefield. She raised her hand an waved to get the attention of the crowd, "This will be a unofficial match between Lady Giselle and Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town. Trainers are allowed to use 3 pokemon each and there will be no changing of Pokemon in between a fight. Trainers send out your first pokemon!" The redhead yelled out at Ash and Giselle.

Ash nodded resolutely and took out the Pokeball for Vibrava. It seemed the most logical choice because Vibrava was truly weak to only 2 types, Ice and Fairy. Those types were a rarity in Kanto and therefore the chance of him getting a type advantage is great.

"Come out Vibrava" Ash said emotionlessly and soon the yellow-green dragon/ground pokemon appeared in the middle of the battlefield with a flash...Giselle and the crowd's eyes bugged out of their sockets as they saw the dragon pokemon from the Hoenn desert.

'My my, you are full of surprises aren't you Ash Ketchum?' Giselle thought in shock seeing Ash's arsenal of Pokemon.

"Go Graveller" She yelled out a little nervously as her rock pokemon was at a disadvantage against the ground dragon.

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