The Trial To Vermillion - Part 3

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The doors to the lighthouse flew off its hinges as a completely drenched figure entered through the broken door. The figure had long spiky silver-streaked black hair which was now wet and getting on his face. He wore a red black jacket which was left unzipped over a full sleeved white T shirt along with blue pants. His clothes were completely wet due to the heavy rain outside.

He was carrying a reddish orange figure which was wrapped up in a wet white towel. A small reddish orange flame was burning on the tail of the towel wrapped pokemon.

The right fist of the silver-streaked boy was cloaked in a blue outline. Apparently keeping Ash Ketchum waiting in the rain is not a good idea. Hey he even ringed the doorbell once you know? But since no reply came...So yeah...The steel door didn't stand a chance against the aura charged fist.

Ash eyebrows twitched in annoyance as he observed the interior of the lighthouse that he had broken into – No wait a damn second. Not broken into. That he had decided to take a shelter in.

Hey, it wasn't his fault that the damned person who handled the lighthouse didn't open the steel door when there was a poor boy soaking in the rain with an almost half dead pokemon with equally poor luck. So he did the only sensible thing...Smash the door.

As Ash observed the place he noted something funny, for a light-house this place was certainly dark.

As he cautiously took steps into the dark while channeling an abysmal amount of aura to his eyes to see in the pitch black lighthouse he noted something strange. He was immediately put on edge. Firstly, he was in an unknown territory with possible hostile threats. Secondly, there was an injured pokemon with him. Thirdly, this place was a lighthouse. Like those typical haunted lighthouses in those horror movies where there was a creepy ass ghost who murdered the travelers in the dark.

Suddenly the lights in the room lit up. Ash widened his eyes and looked around him searching for the cause. He found the cause in the form of a...By the name of Giratina's Ghostly Ass, was that a Kabuto?! As in that stupid prehistoric pokemon shaped like a dome?!

The insanely large 'Kabuto' emitted a screeching noise and flailed its tentacle like arms around. Ash immediately put Charmander who was still wrapped up in a towel on a nearby couch and took out a Pokeball.

'I cannot let this opportunity go waste!' Ash thought vehemently as he took out Bulbasaur's Pokeball. Ash released Bulbasaur while formulating his battle plan to capture this 'Kabuto', '...Bulbasaur can slowly drain its health with Leech Seed and he can put it to sleep with a sleep powder, then catching it would be a piece of cake...' Ash thought to himself. He didn't want to KO this Kabuto. So he took Bulbasaur.

'Bulbasaur no time to explain. Use Leech Seed on that Kabuto!' Bulbasaur was shaken out of his stupor by the voice of his master. Bulbasaur immediately went into what Ash liked to call his 'Battle Mode' when he was being 100% serious with no perverse thoughts.

Bulbasaur fired a single green seed from his Bulb towards the Kabuto and soon the prehistoric pokemon was trapped in its vines. The Kabuto let out a screeching noise as it flailed around to get rid of the vines that were trapping him. God those vines were thorny as hell and they were sucking its energy.

"GRRRRAAAAAHHHHH" An inhumane scream erupted from the 'Kabuto' as Bulbasaur launched a vine at it to trap it so that Ash can throw his Pokeball accurately.

Ash took that moment to throw a Pokeball at the screaming pokemon. The Pokeball hit the Kabuto and then...


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