Cerulean City : Part 7 - Gym Battle Part 2

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Bulbasaur locked his gaze with the Lanturn and focused more on the onion like Bulb on his back...

Ash had mentally told him that Lanturn was in a weakened state due to a high speed Ice Fang from Luxio so it would not be very tough to take it down. Just keep your defenses and trust on your instincts to dodge so that you don't take too much damage. Bulbasaur was not worried about that...

...His time with his previous mistress during the training sessions were more like an all out brawl. She used to leave them on an open training field and tell them to fight with each other. After that it was just the survival of the fittest. And you can only take so many hits before you learnt that defense was the best offence and instincts were your best friend during a fight.

It was a pity that Bulbasaur didn't have any long range attacks. Ash was trying to teach him Razor Leaf but it was not yet completed or else Lanturn would have been done with the moment he stepped on the battlefield.

His vine whip was not long enough to hit Lanturn. So that left only one option...It is going to be clever...It was going to be fun...

'Bulbasaur remember Leech Seed attack? Just use multiple seeds instead of only one and blast them at high speed towards Lanturn...It may act as an improvised Bullet Seed attack' Ash commanded.

Bulbasaur focused on the organic substances inside his bulb and concentrated grass type energy into his maw. Then he took in a large breath and blew it towards the Lanturn...

Nearly hundreds of small green colored seeds covered by a flickering green light went towards Lanturn at high speeds.

Lanturn appeared shocked for a moment as it was still dealing with the effects of Luxio's Ice Fang and intimidate.

"DODGE LANTURN!!" Violet screamed. Lanturn sluggishly waved its injured fins and tried to dodge the seeds of impending doom coming at him.

Unfortunately the ice had gone a little too deep inside Lanturn and so quite a few number of seeds him it straight into the face...

What's more? The seeds actually exploded. Lanturn was blown away by the small explosion of seeds on its face...It was actually hoisted above the water level due to the explosion...

Violet's eyes widened as her electric fish was launched into the air. A brilliant idea came into her mind as she yelled out to Lanturn, "LANTURN USE THUNDER WAVE WHILE IN THE AIR!!"

Ash's eyes widened in shock as a blue stream on electricity descended towards Bulbasaur from above. His clever mind easily saw through her tactic...It was dirty. Underhanded but clever nonetheless.

Bulbasaur will not be able to dodge the upcoming Thunder Wave which will effectively paralyze it. Violet must have already known that Lanturn was going to be eliminated soon. So why not give an annoying status problem to the enemy while you are going out so that your sisters can easily deal with it?

The thunder wave hit Bulbasaur straight on his face and soon he felt the paralyzing electric current in his veins. Bulbasaur shuddered and shivered as the blue torrent of electricity started to paralyze his muscles.

Lanturn who was in the air dropped down on a platform and didn't get up. Its eyes changed into swirls soon afterwards.

"Lanturn is eliminated from this match! Gym leaders send out your next pokemon!!"

Violet recalled her defeated pokemon with a small smirk on her face as she noticed the cold gaze of their mysterious savior that day upon her. He was getting annoyed.

"Let's end this Marshtomp!!" Lily released her pokemon as she took the stage once again.

The injured Marshtomp which had fought Luxio appeared on the battlefield with a cry of its name and looked at his opponent.

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